
Tips for Farmers on Protecting Blueberries from Birds

Growing blueberries is a long, yet, rewarding process. After years of work waiting for your blueberry bushes to be ready for harvest, it’s essential to protect them. Pesky birds tend to swoop in around this time to snack on the precious fruit. To combat this issue, here are tips on protecting blueberries from birds.

Use Netting to Prevent Damage

Bird netting can be placed on blueberry bushes to protect the plant. It’s important to fully cover the bushes so birds don’t sneak in any openings between the ground and the netting. Birds may continue to flock around the blueberry bushes so keep an eye out for droppings or the risk of creatures getting caught in the netting. Many birds are also federally protected, so be sure to install netting safely. 

Here are some various ways to use bird netting to protect your blueberry plants:

  • Netting laid on top of blueberry bushes. Lay the netting on top of the bush after the fruit has bloomed.
  • Netting secured to bamboo poles. Staple netting to external poles to create a protective barrier from the birds without the netting interfering with your plants.
  • Pop up mesh plant cover. Keep crops safe from birds with another form of protective barrier.
  • Fruit cage. Depending on how much space you have, a cage can keep animals beyond just birds away from your crops.
  • Row tunnel. Typically used for fighting frost, row tunnels keep crops warm during colder months and can also deter birds.

Bird netting is a common way to deter birds. Installation must be done properly to make sure birds aren’t harmed, and netting should be maintained with regular check ups. Another risk is harming your fruit. If the netting is installed before your crop is bloomed, it could interfere with the growing process.

RELATED: Spring into Blueberry Growing Season with Bird Control

Bird eating unripe berries

Implement Scare Tactics 

There are a variety of scare tactics that can be used for protecting blueberries from birds. Remember, birds are very smart and learn quickly that these are not real, especially with the long duration of blueberry season. Move the objects around to help prevent this from happening.

Common scare tactics include:

  • Scarecrows. Give off the appearance your farm is being tended to and birds may stay away. Remember to move your scarecrow’s location often. 
  • Predator statues. Try putting out a fake hawk, owl or snake to scare birds away.
  • Noisemakers. Sounds are known to scare many species of birds. Ideal sounds can range from cannons to firecrackers, radio or other audio deterrents. 
  • Streamers and balloons. Birds tend to shy away from bright colors so balloons and streamers are a fun way to bring some color into your garden while also adding extra protection. 
  • Aluminum pie pans. Birds don’t like reflective surfaces so try placing shiny objects near your crops to keep them safe.

Repel Birds with Liquid Bird Repellent

While netting and scare tactics can help keep some birds at bay, using liquid bird repellent can safely repel them away from the area. Not only does it safely repel birds, but it’s also safe for humans or other animals. 

Liquid bird repellent sprays can cover a large area and do not affect the taste or growth of the plant. This solution also offers minimal maintenance. There is no need to check for birds caught in your netting or relocating your scarecrow each week.

SEE ALSO: How to Bird-proof Hanging Baskets Around the Home

Use Avian Control Liquid Bird Repellent to Protect Blueberry Crops

Avian Control liquid bird repellent can be sprayed or fogged onto blueberry plants to keep them safe from birds. Applied about every two weeks, the non-toxic, EPA-registered spray safely repels birds away from the area but has no negative effects on the crop. 

Contact us to learn more about how Avian Control liquid bird repellent can protect your blueberry bushes or call 888.868.1982 to place an order, today!

Blueberry Bush Bird Protection Tips for Farmers
Birds can ruin your blueberry bushes if you don't take precautions. Follow these tips to safely protect your crop.
Brand: Avian Enterprises
Tips for Farmers on Protecting Blueberries from Birds