
Posts Tagged as wine grapes


Stop Birds From Stealing Your Wine Grapes

It’s wine grape season, which means birds are beginning to swarm and devour your wine grapes. Birds like starlings and sparrows can cause major damage to your grapes. Finding an effective method to keep them away can be time consuming, making it important to find a quick and reliable resource. Here are a few simple tactics you can try to stop birds from stealing your wine grapes.

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Tips for Wine Grapes

  • Properly raising your grapes
  • Harvesting just in time
  • Creating your own wine

Thinking of making your very own wine? Wine making is an incredibly unique and thorough practice, from growing grapes all the way to the end product. While wine grapes may have similarities to other crops, they require their own artful process. Learn how you can turn soil into wine with these tips on raising grapes.

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