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Industries We Serve

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Birds lingering on your premises? Tell them to take their business elsewhere!


Evict nuisance birds from your home’s siding, flowers and gardens with a…
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Eliminate pest birds from airport runways, structures and equipment.

World’s Greatest

We are excited and honored to be recognized as one of the “World’s Greatest!” products on Network Television. The episode featured Avian Control, Avian Migrate Goose and Bird Repellent, and Avian Fog Force Time Release.

Welcome to Avian Enterprises®

Eliminate your bird problems with Avian Enterprises®! Whether they’re damaging your crops or posing a toxic threat to your commercial business, Avian Enterprises® is a mild and effective way to eradicate pest birds. Our product is EPA-registered and was established to address problems associated with the current, less effective and outdated bird repellents. Using cutting edge technology, Avian Enterprises® was developed to efficiently repel undesirable birds without causing harm not only to the birds, but to humans and other animals as well.

Avian Migrate

What Our Customers Are Saying

Luis Lagarda Miranda - Paradise Valley, AZ

“I put up two dispensers (Fog Force) in the trees in my yard and they keep the birds away. They’re (the birds) messy and a nuisance. I use it for other properties in AZ as well. Customers like it and it works.”
- Luis Lagarda Miranda

Avian Enterprises® Effective, non-lethal bird repellent

Innovative, EPA-registered bird repellent that will effectively eliminate all of your bird problems.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Rob Kraft - Laurel, MT

“The starlings are decimating our field corn and sweet corn. We had to do something. We’ve had hot, dry weather and used it (Avian Control) with a fogger. It’s easy to use and seems to be working well. The field corn is for silage and the sweet corn is just for personal use. I’m really happy with it and will continue to use it as needed.”
- Rob Kraft