

Agricultural Applications

In agricultural applications, two factors allow Avian Control® to stand above other bird control products. First, Avian Control® is not a “Restricted Use” product and may be applied to crops up to the day of harvest, giving the grower complete protection.

Secondly, Avian Control® will not translocate into the treated crop. Translocation is the tendency of a compound to move through the tissues of a plant. This effect is particularly troubling when repellents translocate from the outer skin of a fruit through the skin and into the fruit body. When this occurs, a distinct change in taste can be noticed. Due to its unique formulation, Avian Control® remains on the surface of the plant and its fruit where it is available to repel birds and does not translocate into the plant or its fruit, preserving the natural taste of the crop.

Plant Safety


Phytotoxicity is a toxic effect of a compound upon plant tissue and fruit. In numerous tests and field reports, Avian Control® has shown no evidence of any damage to plant health, fruit quality or beneficial insects such as bees. All ingredients in the Avian Control® formulation are “Generally Regarded As Safe” by the FDA, making it suitable for use around people, pets and animals. There are no reports of adverse effects to humans, pets and farm animals.

Avian Control® Testing

Third party verification of grower experiences is important to validate effectiveness. All of the groups listed below have contacted Avian Enterprises, LLC and asked for permission to perform testing. The following universities and organizations are currently in testing and data gathering phases. Results are expected after the close of the 2013 growing season.

  • Michigan State University & Trinity Western University – Blueberries and other berry crops
  • UCLA Irvine – Strawberries
  • Penn State – Wine grapes
  • NC State University – Blueberries
  • University of Hawaii – Native grasses and fruits
  • Growers and Grower Consortiums – Sunflowers, soybeans, apples, cherries and other fruits
  • SinoChem Ningbo LTD (China) – Millet, grapes, tree fruits and wheat

Proper Timing for Applying Avian Control®

Bird on plants without bird nettingWhen used in agricultural applications, Avian Control® should be applied at the first signs of bird presence or bird damage. Generally, small flocks of foraging birds will “scout” potential future feeding sites. These small flocks, 15 to 25 birds, determine the feeding potential of ripening crops and carry that information back to the main flock, which may contain more than 5000 birds. When these “scout” flocks are present, the grower can be certain that their crop will be subject to damage and the first application of Avian Control® would be in order. Discouraging these scout flocks may cause the main flock to bypass the treated crop and seek more appealing feeding sites.

If birds have infested the field, treatment should begin immediately and should continue as needed. Avian Control® has the advantage of being able to be tank mixed with other agricultural chemicals.

If the bird infestation is in trees or in or on buildings, treatment should begin immediately and continue as directed by the label. Many crops may require only one or two applications. The decision on when to re-cover the crop may be based upon proximity to harvest, sugar level (brix) and potential for continued bird feeding pressure. Treatment should be withheld if rain is expected within 12 hours.

Avian Control® Cost Benefit Comparisons

cartons of blueberriesGrowers report that bird damage to individual crops may vary from 20% to 50% or more. This level of crop loss may mean the difference between a profitable season or losing money. Operators of buildings, airports, athletic fields and other public spaces may be subject to
expensive repairs and remediation as a result of damage from pest birds.

Much, if not all, of this damage may be eliminated by using Avian Control® in a bird control program. The cost of using Avian Control® is minimal. At the suggested rate of 24 ounces per acre (43,560 square feet), the cost per application may be less than $19.00. When offset by higher crop yields or dramatically reduced repair and remediation costs, Avian Control® is the least expensive and most effective method of bird control available. When compared to bird spikes, audio alert systems, lasers and other less effective methodologies, Avian Control® provides the user with the greatest possible economic advantage.


As the population of pest birds continues to grow, the level of damage faced by growers, property managers and others will increase. By taking advantage of the unique properties of Avian Control® to manage the growing pest bird problem, the users can assure themselves that they have applied the most modern technology available in their effort to mitigate bird damage.