
Posts in Residential (page 10)

How to Get Rid of Canadian Geese

  • Set up swan decoys
  • Make your water unattractive
  • Scare off geese with sounds
  • Clean up after meals
  • Repel geese with Avian Migrate Goose and Bird Repellent

Have Canadian geese taken over your property? Canadian geese are territorial and known to often chase people when they feel threatened. Because they are protected by the Department of Natural Resources, certain precautions must be taken when dealing with Canadian geese. Here are some tips from for how you can legally get rid of Canadian geese for good with Avian Control.

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How to Care for Cherries – From Spring to Harvest

Cherry trees are often planted not just for fruit, but for the blossoms they grow. Cherries have a variety of uses – from snacking to baking to making into jam. Cherries can be expensive at the grocery store, and planting a tree or two in the backyard can help save money on this versatile fruit. Follow these tips to care of cherry trees at home or on large acres of land.

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Scarecrow in the field

How to Cut Down Your Crop Losses Using A Successful Bird Repellent

Protecting crops from pest birds can be a challenging task. Finding a way to do this without harming your crops, the environment or the birds themselves can make it even more challenging. So how can you reduce your crop losses with the right bird repellent? It starts by looking out for repellents that have specific qualities and don’t produce harmful side effects.

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