Canadian Geese require no passport to fly into and freely inhabit American lands. They have been taking advantage of this perk for hundreds of years until colonials began to settle directly in their migratory paths. The Canadian Geese population dropped steadily into the 20th century, which led to the passing of the Federal Migratory Bird Act of 1918. Protection was granted to certain migratory birds between the U.S. and several countries to help boost the population. A complete list of protected species can be found here.
What the Bird Act of 1918 Means for You
The Act worked so well that several generations of Canadian Geese later have adapted to the American climates and urban expansions. Now the U.S. has an excess of resident birds that eat 2-3 pounds of grass a day and leave behind about 1-2 pounds of potentially toxic droppings in the same amount of time. However, repercussions for attempting or succeeding in harming the inconvenient birds may result in:
- Fines ranging from $5,000 – $15,000 depending on the offensive action
- Imprisonment for six months or more depending on the misdemeanor
- Felony charges for guilty offenses
- Forfeit property used to violate the Act
RELATED: Tips on Finding a Bird Deterrent That Really Works
Prohibited Actions
The following is an incomplete list of common bird-eradicating offenses that may lead to the aforementioned repercussions. More information about laws, regulations and policies can be found at
*Hunting with the approved government permits during open seasons can be acceptable. Check with your state’s/country’s wildlife service organization for appropriate actions.
SEE ALSO: How Do You Get Rid of Wild Geese?
Legal Solutions
There are plenty of ways to unharmfully remove Canadian Geese from your properties without facing legal consequences. Try one or more of these suggestions:
- Change the Living Conditions: Canadian Geese have stopped migrating back north each year because they’ve grown comfortable in the pristine manmade lawns and ponds. Consider letting your lawn grow 20 to 30 inches so they are unappealing for geese to maneuver through. Fertilized lawns are actually more nutritious for geese, so skip the fertilizer treatments for a few months.
- Scare Tactics: The good old scarecrows and noisemakers will deter birds for a short time, but they often return. Birds will come to resist these methods and then you’ll be back to square one, losing time and money that were better spent elsewhere.
- Apply Liquid Bird Repellent: This method will preserve the quality of your lawns while investing in its security. Avian Control is the EPA-registered goose repellent that encourages birds to find a new home nowhere near your property. Containing only food-grade ingredients, Avian Control is safe for humans and animals but powerful enough to drive the most resistant birds away. It’s easily applied from the ground, aerial spraying or fogging. Why wait?
Deport Canadian Geese From Your Property with Avian Control
While these birds may present a pretty picture in the sky as they guide seasonal changes in their signature “V” formations, the mess they leave behind isn’t so pretty. Contact Avian Control today to safely, effectively and legally remove Canadian Geese from your properties by calling 888.868.1982 or visiting us online.