
Latest News (page 40)

Why You Shouldn’t Use Electronic Devices For Bird Control

There are several aspects to consider when purchasing a bird repellent that perfectly fits the bill, from bird control efficiency to whether the chemicals are non-toxic or how much it may affect its surroundings. While technology has provided us the opportunity to improve most aspects of our daily lives, liquid bird repellents may still be the best option for bird control no matter how sophisticated electronic bird control contraptions become. Follow these guidelines to understand why you shouldn’t use electronic devices for bird control.

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How To Repel Barn Swallows During Cold Months

There aren’t many birds as determined as the barn swallow. Swallows eat insects and are known to build nests in and around barns and other structures. While these birds are largely tolerated because they feed on insects that people are generally annoyed by, one location they are not welcome is in your barn. Because of federal regulations, it’s important to know some safe and legal ways to repel barn swallows during the upcoming cold months. Here’s everything you need to know about legal barn swallow bird control.

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Tips for Keeping Critters Away From Halloween Decorations

Halloween is right around the corner and now is the time to trim our homes with our favorite scary Halloween decorations. While jack o’lanterns, bales of hay and corn stalks are often the family favorite, there are several critters who enjoy your decorations for reasons other than celebrating Halloween. That’s right, your neighborhood furry friends often become unfriendly to the decorations in which you put in so much hard work. Follow these helpful tips for keeping critters away from Halloween decorations this fall season.

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