Whether you have just a few acres or hundreds, Avian Control® is your solution for keeping pest birds away. If you’re a grower, make sure nuisance birds aren’t flying away with your profits. Our non-toxic repellent is a simple solution that can successfully reduce or eliminate the damage altogether. And, if it’s geese that are giving you fits, we have an answer for them too. Avian Migrate® Goose and Bird Repellent is an EPA-registered, non-lethal liquid product that discourages geese and birds from congregating on golf courses, parks, athletic fields, public buildings and private property. Just spray it on and birds are gone.

No matter what bird is giving you issues, Avian Enterprises has the solution. Avian Control® Bird Repellent prevents pest birds from damaging property and structures for as little as $12.50 per acre. Avian Migrate® Goose and Bird Repellent has been proven to be an effective tool for protecting farms from bird flu carried by aquatic birds. Check out our full line of products to see all the ways we can help you protect your property.
Getting rid of pest birds is simple with Avian Control®. Effective for up to two weeks, it works by teaching pest birds to stay away from your property, and it’s gentle enough to be used around plants, animals and people. Avian Fog Force® TR Bird Repellent is a non-lethal, automated time-release aerosol bird repellent that discourages birds from congregating around your home or property.
Avian Migrate® is a product geese and other migratory birds can see that irritates their pain centers, creating an unpleasant sensation. Birds learn to avoid areas that have been treated and seek other locations. InvisiDye® UV Marker is a non-lethal UV (ultra violet) marker training tool. When paired with Avian Migrate® Goose and Bird Repellent, InvisiDye teaches geese and birds to avoid treated grass, plants and landscaping.
ORDER Avian Control® ORDER Avian Fog Force TR® ORDER Avian Migrate® ORDER Avian InvisiDye®

Avian Control +
- Take the product out of the box
- Read the manual
- Shake it really well
- Mix product with dish soap
- Mix with water
- Shake again
- Add to sprayer
- Shake again well
- Start spraying!
Avian Fog Force TR +
- Take the product out of the box
- Read the manual
- Shake it really well
- Mix with water
- Add to sprayer
- Shake again well
- Start spraying!
Avian Migrate +
- Take the product out of the box
- Read the manual
- Shake it really well
- Mix with water
- Add to sprayer
- Shake again well
- Start spraying!
Migrate & InvisiDye +
- Take the product out of the box
- Read the manual
- Shake it really well
- Mix with water
- Add to sprayer
- Shake again well
- Start spraying!
Avian Control
Can I apply Avian Control® myself?
Can I apply Avian Control® myself?
In most states, you can apply Avian Control® without any state permit, if it is for your own use. If you intend to charge for the application, you may have to obtain a permit. In either case, check with the state Department of Agriculture or other appropriate governmental authority.
How does Avian Control® work?
How does Avian Control® work?
Avian Control® uses an effective, proven, and non-lethal bird repellent ingredient that provides long-lasting bird repellency. The active ingredient, Methyl Anthranilate (MA), irritates the pain receptors associated with birds’ sense of taste and smell. Birds find this compound unpleasant and leave areas and crops treated with it. The unpleasant effect is temporary and does not harm the birds. Read the product label here.
How is Avian Control® applied?
How is Avian Control® applied?
Avian Control® bird repellent can be applied in either a fogging or spraying method.
How is Avian Control® more effective than other bird repellents?
How is Avian Control® more effective than other bird repellents?
Based on our customers’ feedback and observations, Avian Control® works faster and lasts longer than other bird repellents. Additionally, most other bird repellents require up to 5 gallons/acre per application. Avian Control® is sprayed at a rate between 16 and 40 oz/acre per application. Avian Control® has a number of distinct advantages over old technology products. Significantly extended length of effectiveness, strength of repellency, no preharvest interval for crop applications, short re-entry interval for crop applications, no evidence of damage to plants or fruit, suitable for use around people, pets, and animals. Finally, Avian Control® leaves no effect on treated crop taste and no damage to treated hard surfaces.
How long does Avian Control® last?
How long does Avian Control® last?
In outdoor applications, Avian Control® can repel nuisance birds for up to 2 weeks. Avian Control® was designed to resist washing away from light rains or irrigation. Old technology repellents are water and surfactant based, increasing their tendency to be washed away with the slightest amount of rain or irrigation. Avian Control® does not contain either water or surfactants, dramatically increasing its resistance to being washed away.
What’s the difference between fogging and spraying applications?
What’s the difference between fogging and spraying applications?
Thermal fogging produces a fog-like cloud of very fine particles that allows a small amount of Avian Control® to spread over a large area. Thermal fogging also penetrates areas that are difficult to reach. Spraying Avian Control® is usually done by injecting the product into a stream of water. Spraying produces a smaller amount of larger particles and is generally utilized on turf, landfills and agricultural applications.
Where do I purchase AVIAN CONTROL®?
Where do I purchase AVIAN CONTROL®?
To purchase Avian Control®, please contact:
Avian Enterprises, LLC
2000 Pontiac Drive
Sylvan Lake, MI 49320
Phone: 888.707.4355
Will using Avian Control® harm my existing landscape or other animals?
Will using Avian Control® harm my existing landscape or other animals?
No, Avian Control® is an effective method of removing your troublesome bird problems and is suitable for use around people, pets and vegetation. Read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on Avian Control®.
Fog Force TR
How does Fog Force TR affect birds?
How does Fog Force TR affect birds?
Avian Fog Force® TR Bird Repellent irritates bird’s pain centers, creating an unpleasant sensation. Birds learn to avoid areas that have been treated and seek other locations.
How does Fog Force TR work?
How does Fog Force TR work?
Avian Fog Force® TR Bird Repellent is dosed from programmable timed spray mist dispenser cabinets containing disposable aerosol cans. Each dispenser cabinet releases an invisible intermittent aerosol bird repellent mist on a user selected programmable time-release basis.
How long does Fog Force TR last?
How long does Fog Force TR last?
Each aerosol can last up to 30 days and can treat up to 42,000 cubic feet. Dispenser cabinets are powered by two “D” batteries that last up to six months.
Is it safe for use around people?
Is it safe for use around people?
Avian Fog Force® TR is non-toxic. Its active ingredient is found in nature and is also used extensively in food designed for human consumption.
What is Avian Fog Force TR?
What is Avian Fog Force TR?
Avian Fog Force® TR Bird Repellent is an EPA registered bird repellent that is effective against all types of nuisance birds and is suitable for use around humans, pets and livestock.
Avian Migrate
Can Avian Migrate Goose and Bird Repellent be used on painted or stained wood, vinyl or aluminum siding or other exterior or interior surfaces?
Can Avian Migrate Goose and Bird Repellent be used on painted or stained wood, vinyl or aluminum siding or other exterior or interior surfaces?
It is recommended that the solution of Avian Migrate® be tested on an inconspicuous area to determine the potential for damage or discoloration. Avian Migrate® should not be used in or on occupied dwellings.
Can I use an electric powered, backpack or pump-up sprayer to apply Avian Migrate® Bird Repellent?
Can I use an electric powered, backpack or pump-up sprayer to apply Avian Migrate® Bird Repellent?
Yes, you can. Refer to “Spray Application Directions” of the label for complete details. If your area is less than one acre, see the table below: 1/8 acre (5445 sq. ft.) Shake or stir 6 to 8 ounces Avian Migrate® then add to 1.25 gallons of water. 1/4 acre (10890 sq. ft.) Shake or stir 12 ounces to 1 pint of Avian Migrate then add to 2.5 gallons of water. 1/2 acre (21780 sq. ft.) Shake or stir 1.5 to 2 pints of Avian Migrate® then add to 5 gallons of water.
If I am treating my lawn for geese, how often should I apply Avian Migrate?
If I am treating my lawn for geese, how often should I apply Avian Migrate?
It is suggested that Avian Migrate™ be applied at 7 to 10 day intervals or after every mowing. Refer to “Turf and Hydroseeding” directions on the label for complete details. Re-application is suggested in the event of a significant rainfall.
What type of spray pattern is preferred?
What type of spray pattern is preferred?
A fine spray mist that covers the entire area to be treated is the preferred pattern.
How does InvisiDye® UV Marker work?
How does InvisiDye® UV Marker work?
By visually training birds to associate irritation with an area treated with a UV marker. Geese and other birds can see UV light waves (200-400mm) which allows them to see a portion of the light spectrum that is invisible to the human eye.
What is InvisiDye® UV Marker?
What is InvisiDye® UV Marker?
InvisiDye® UV Marker is a non-lethal UV (ultra violet) marker training tool, that when teamed with Avian Migrate® Goose and Bird Repellent, teaches geese and birds to avoid treated grass, plants and landscaping.
What rate do I apply InvisiDye® UV Marker?
What rate do I apply InvisiDye® UV Marker?
Mix 1/2 oz of InvisiDye® UV Marker and 6.5 oz of Avian Migrate® per gallon of water to make the application solution. Treat areas where birds feed, roost or congregate according to Avian Migrate® Goose and Bird Repellent label instructions.
When do you apply InvisiDye® UV Marker?
When do you apply InvisiDye® UV Marker?
You should apply InvisiDye® UV Marker in combination with Avian Migrate® Goose and Bird Repellent. This allows the geese and birds to immediately associate the repellent effects of the product with the color.
Who uses InvisiDye® UV Marker?
Who uses InvisiDye® UV Marker?
Anyone who has a persistent bird problem such as geese or other birds that repeatedly feed or roost in the same areas.
- Golf Courses
- Home Owners
- Lawn Care Companies
- Horticulturalists
- Property Management Firms
- Schools and Universities
- Parks and Recreation
- Sports Fields
- Office Campuses
Sweetcorn - Groveport, OH
Sweetcorn - Wheeling, IL
Messy Birds - Vega, TX
Wine Grapes - Grove City, OH
Wine Grapes - Placerville, CA

Avian Migrate® Goose and Bird Repellent is an EPA-registered, non-lethal liquid product that discourages geese and birds from congregating on golf courses, parks, athletic fields, public buildings and private property.
Avian Control® Bird Repellent is an EPA-registered, non-toxic product that drives woodpeckers and nuisance birds away from your property. Take back control with Avian Control.