
Posts Tagged as barn birds

barn swallow

Where Do All the Barn Swallows Go in the Winter?

Many people take notice to the unusual quietness of their barn during the winter months. This is often because they’re used to seeing blue barn swallows nesting and thriving on their property during the summer. Without their loud chirping and messy droppings, you may forget about the problems these pest birds can cause on your property. So where do all the barn swallows go during the winter?

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Get Rid Of Barn Swallows – For Good

Whether crowding the barn or eating feed designated for your livestock, pest birds are an expensive inconvenience that farmers can certainly live without. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services, 1,000 starlings can eat about 36 to 40 pounds of food a day! As the cost of feed rises and birds find more barns to inhabit, many farmers wonder how they should go about taking care of the unpleasant situation. If you’re stuck in a similar situation, follow these helpful steps to help get rid of barn swallows – for good!

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birds in barn

Controlling Birds Around Your Barn

Birds are never an issue until they decide to cause problems, especially in and around barns. These pesky creatures may steal your insulation for their nests, contaminate food, leave their droppings all over and possibly spread disease to the animals in your barn. While there are many ways to deter birds from your barn, below are a few methods to try out to help you find the solution that works best for you.

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