
Posts Tagged as Bird Repellant Spray


Stop Birds From Stealing Your Wine Grapes

It’s wine grape season, which means birds are beginning to swarm and devour your wine grapes. Birds like starlings and sparrows can cause major damage to your grapes. Finding an effective method to keep them away can be time consuming, making it important to find a quick and reliable resource. Here are a few simple tactics you can try to stop birds from stealing your wine grapes.

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How to Stop Birds From Nesting & Roosting

Deter birds from nesting on your property the easy way. People are finding that preventing birds from building their nests is a better way to deter birds from properties. If they learn not to even start building nests on your home or property, chances are there is a higher chance they won’t come back all season. Here are some tips on how to prevent birds from roosting and nesting on or around your property. If you’re looking for top tips on how to stop birds from nesting, you’re in the right spot.

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bird spikes

How to Get Rid of Birds Without Using Bird Spikes

Do you find yourself or your business wanting a better solution to bird control? Traditional methods like bird spikes can be an easy and discreet method, but they don’t always work. Avian Enterprises can help eliminate your bird problems with a simple solution that doesn’t harm the birds. We offer solutions for commercial, agricultural, residential and airports.

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