
Posts Tagged as bird repellent spray

How to Keep Birds Out of Garages and Sheds

While birds may be pleasant guests to have in your backyard or garden, they can easily become a long-term nuisance when they stake a claim in your shed or garage. Often undetected for weeks or months at a time, birds will build scrappy new nests year-round when you least expect them. Here are a few ways to successfully keep birds outside of your buildings.

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How To Keep Birds Out of Your Shed and Garage

The sounds of birds chirping in the midst of the morning light can be a calming sound to wake up to, but can soon be the cause of a more troublesome encounter as those calming birds are soon invading your shed or garage. Often hard to detect, birds are agile in finding a protected and tranquil new home to nest in. In order to combat your new tenants, here are some ways to rid off your new intruders.

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