
Posts Tagged as Bird Repelling Methods


Stop Birds From Stealing Your Wine Grapes

It’s wine grape season, which means birds are beginning to swarm and devour your wine grapes. Birds like starlings and sparrows can cause major damage to your grapes. Finding an effective method to keep them away can be time consuming, making it important to find a quick and reliable resource. Here are a few simple tactics you can try to stop birds from stealing your wine grapes.

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corn field

The Successful Sweet Corn Solution

  • Frighten birds with exploders
  • Block birds with netting
  • Implement a scarecrow

There is nothing better than fresh sweet corn straight from the field, and this growing season could be your best harvest yet. However, if the pesky birds are eating all of your corn before you get a taste, you need to take steps to protect those kernels. Here are some tricks for protecting your sweet corn from bothersome birds.

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