
Posts Tagged as Fruit Tree Protection

birds eating fruit in a tree without fruit tree netting

Pros and Cons of Fruit Tree Netting

There are a lot of factors that go into producing a successful and bountiful harvest from your fruit trees. One of the more exhausting tasks can often be keeping local wildlife from stealing the fruits of your labor—literally. Bird netting is among one of the most common bird repellent methods. While it has been proven to be effective, fruit tree netting isn’t without its fair share of problems, either.

Before you purchase expensive rolls of netting, compare the pros and cons of bird netting to determine if this tactic is right for you.

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cherries on a tree branch

Tips to Protect Your Cherry Trees

Growing cherry trees requires a lot of patience, but the reward is worthwhile. As many fruit growers will tell you, your greatest enemy will soon be flocking to your trees: birds. Birds like starlings and sparrows are notorious for eating cherries just before they are ripe enough to pick. To help alleviate the stress from birds, here are a few simple methods to protect cherry trees from birds.

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