
Posts Tagged as restaurant bird control

How to Keep Birds Away From Your Outdoor Dining

  • Stop Roosting with Bird Spikes
  • Frighten Birds with Faux Animals
  • Install Bird Netting

Summer means it’s time to open up the outdoor seating. However, if birds bother your customers while they’re eating, they probably won’t return for seconds. Here are some bird-proof ideas to follow to keep those pesky birds away from your outdoor dining area.

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Keep Birds Away from Food Facilities this Summer

Summer is already here and so are the birds! These little animals can be attractive, but they can also bring contamination to your business. Birds carry over 60 transmissible diseases and can be easily spread through other animals or even humans. Food facilities are constantly affected by pest birds and trying to keep up with health codes. Follow these helpful tips to keep birds away from food facilities this summer.

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