

Birds are not only pesky, but they can pose a major threat to your airport. Don’t let unwanted birds clutter your tarmacs and airways. Find the solution to your bird control needs with Avian Control®.

Why Avian Enterprises For Your Airport?

Avian Control offers a variety of benefits to protect your airport. It’s perfect for eliminating birds from all areas of your property. Here’s what you can expect when you use Avian Control® at your airport:

  • Prevention of birds on runways, open spaces and structures
  • Reduction in bird droppings on your airport grounds and equipment
  • Elimination of birds nesting in surrounding airport structures and landscaping

The Avian Control® Airport Protocol

Email exchange between Changi Airport in Singapore and John Weller, head of animal hazard mitigation for the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Changi Airport (one of the word’s largest) reported significant bird reductions and resulting air strikes utilizing a program of administering insecticide along with Avian Control Bird Repellent.


  • Apply  insecticide to retard the food source for the birds in addition to spraying the repellent is synergistically effective when applied after applications of an insecticide. Do not tank mix insecticide with the repellent.
  • Add InvisiDye® (see enclosed product flyer and Read This First instructional Guide) which cues birds to continue to stay away even after the repellent fades. The addition of this dye (a visual cue) will help inhibit the geese from returning almost immediately. It’s inexpensive tool that extends the effectiveness of the Avian Control Bird Repellent product after it begins to exhaust due to bio degradation,

Learn More
Read the Ultraviolet Scan Data
Read about Chemical spraying at Changi Airport
Read the InvisiDye Product Information Sheet
Download the Product Flyer

Hear From A Satisfied Avian Enterprises Customer

Don’t just take our word for the effectiveness of our products. Check out this customer’s review of her airport after using Avian Control®:


“Here’s a picture I took with no birds. That’s a wonderful thing. Normally when you look out at the airport, there are birds in the grass areas and sea gulls sitting on the runways.” – Rosann Keiser, Put-In-Bay Twp Port Authority

Protect Your Airport With Avian Control®

Stop letting birds damage your airport and try Avian Control®, a product of Avian Enterprises. With mild ingredients, easy application and lasting results, Avian Control® is a great way to keep pest birds away. Order now or contact us for more information.