What Our Customers Are Saying
Avian Control
Sweetcorn - Groveport, OH
“I was referred to Avian Enterprises for help with birds devouring my sweet corn. I’m retired and just have a few acres that I sell at the farmer’s market. It’s been hot and dry here (Southern Ohio) and now we’re getting rain so I’ll have to wait to spray. The company (Avian Enterprises) called and gave me some application recommendations. Follow up call: Avian Control working really well and it’s nice to have a company that follows up with customers to help them out. No one does that anymore.””
Lance Westcamp
Sweetcorn - Wheeling, IL
“I lost 90% of my sweet corn the first week before I started using it (Avian Control). I had blackbirds, starlings and grackles eating everything. Sprayed one time and the birds just stopped! It worked fantastic after I had tried canons and balloons. I am real happy with it and can’t say nothing (his words) bad about it. I’ll keep using it and found out it works against woodpeckers, too.””
Mike Horcher
Messy Birds - Vega, TX
“We had a huge mess on patio and all over the yard from grackles in trees that build nests and roost. We didn’t know what to use that was safe for our grandchildren that worked to get rid of these messy birds. After researching, we found and ordered the spray (Avian Control) and the dispenser/canister units (ACFFTR). Even though a really strong wind and rain storm killed a lot of the birds, we still had to get rid of the rest. The spray and the canisters together are working great to control the grackles. It’s a great product, works fantastic/wonderful and is safe. We can use our patio now but we just wish we started using it sooner."”
Windy (and Ross) Montgomery
Wine Grapes - Grove City, OH
“We were having an issue with birds going after our red grapes, not the whites. Have been netting them to keep the birds off. Well, this spray (Avian Control) irritated them right out of the county! We sprayed once a week starting the beginning of August and stopped one week before harvest. It stopped the bird issues and worked really well.””
Charles Brown
Wine Grapes - Placerville, CA
”I started using the bird repellent (Avian Control) a few years ago after being referred by a local wine maker. The starlings go for the ripe white grapes after sitting in oak trees around the vineyard. They watch for their opportunity to go in and eat them. I spray the grapes and the trees and have had much less loss over the years. I recommend the product to other grape growers as well."”
Edward Goltz
Starlings/Blackbirds - Port Clinton, OH
“I really needed a bird repellent to repel the starlings and blackbirds that were devouring my sunflower seedlings before they had a chance to develop. I called the company (Avian Control) and, even though they truthfully said the bird repellent wasn’t tested on seedlings, I wanted to give it a try. After the first time I applied it, I noticed there were less birds. It’s worked great. We don’t grow them for profit so it was nice to see the bees and finches there when the flowers bloomed. I’m just a little fish and it’s really neat that a company reached out to me 3 months after I bought the product to see how it worked. You don’t get customer service like that anymore. I found out that I can use it on the swallows in my shed as well.””
Jim Sass
Wine Grapes - Youngstown, NY
“I needed something to help with the intense bird pressure we experience in the vineyard. There are normally between 5,000-37,000 birds and I needed the product quick. They gave me the name of nearby distributor, but I decided to order from the company because they were really helpful. I had a bunch of questions about atmospheric temperature and application after I got the product and they helped me a lot, I applied the product according to their directions and I had very little bird damage. There was a little rain a few days after I applied it and I made a few adjustments. My advice: don't spray in the early morning when there is dew, spray when it's calm & warm, and spray when the vines are dry.””
Raymond Dietz
Pest Control Operator - Cotati, CA
“I knew about Avian Control from my previous employer and knew it worked. When I started my own pest control company, I had to include it. The customers are happy with the results and so am I. It’s easy to apply with different methods and does the trick. For any pest control operator that also deals with birds (and geese) or is thinking about it, Avian Control really works.””
Warren Ryan - Ryan Pest Consulting
Pigeons - Peoria, AZ
“We used Avian Control for pigeons when we lived in Phoenix, AZ and swear by it. It really worked and I shared it with my brother, too. We used it one time and the pigeons were all gone. I like that it is not unsafe, and I recommend it to anyone.””
Meredeth Robison
Woodpeckers - Wellington, OH
“We’ve been in our house for a few years and the problem with the downy woodpeckers has gotten worse. They’ve made so many holes in our house and we’ve patched them but the birds are still here. We’re very happy with the results of it (Avian Control) as nothing else has worked. Have tried shiny strips, ultrasonic squawkers and owls but they get used to it all. We’ve applied the product several times and will continue a maintenance schedule until it snows. I hope everyone uses it.””
Connie Ziegler
Rob Kraft - Laurel, MT
“The starlings are decimating our field corn and sweet corn. We had to do something. We’ve had hot, dry weather and used it (Avian Control) with a fogger. It’s easy to use and seems to be working well. The field corn is for silage and the sweet corn is just for personal use. I’m really happy with it and will continue to use it as needed.””
Rob Kraft
Jacob Estvold - New Town, ND
“I have a knotty pine home that these little birds have been using as their home in the overhangs. I’ve sprayed it (Avian Control) several times and they’re moving out into the culvert by the road. I haven't seen any staining from the product and I’m going to try it on the deck as well. It’s working very well."”
Jacob Estvold
Donna Deitz - Missoula, MT
“We just have one apple tree but, with a little work, the Avian Control did the job! Spraying consistently is the key. We got 8 boxes of apples and had to give many away to neighbors and also make jam. The birds still came but they didn’t eat. We will continue to use even though we won’t have the one semi-dwarf tree."”
Donna Deitz
John Bako - Meyersville, PA
“We have 150 blueberry bushes and the birds go after them. Netting is too hard, time consuming and expensive, so we found Avian Control to repel the birds. It works wonderfully. We can apply it once a week, except in rainy season. I'm going to take recommendation of adding a spreader sticker or dish-soap to help the Avian Control stay on longer. I’ve told my neighbors about it and can’t believe they still choose to net.””
John Bako
Mountain Valley Orchard - Smithsburg, MD
“We have cherry trees and have battled the birds for a long time. Avian Control works and does a really good job keeping birds away. We even started using it (Avian Control) on the blueberries and apply it when the fruit starts changing color. We like the smell of Avian Control, and it doesn’t stain the fruit, either!!"”
Leroy & Sharon Tracey
Flying Otter Winery - Adrian, MI
“We have about 8-acres of cold-hearty varietals which are surrounded by trees. We get plenty of resident birds ready for the grapes as soon as they reach verasion, so we get in there and spray early. I’ve been testing the Avian Control on all of the grapes and have found no residue on them (grapes.) I am really quite happy with the results and will keep using it.””
Robert Utter
Mauricio Perilla - Beachwood, OH
“My neighbor has a lot of crows that build nests in the trees and make a horrible mess on my pool area. I started using it (Avian Control) on 5-13-24 as the crows come in the morning and evening. I already see less birds. I’ve tried everything else and nothing really worked. Hopefully this does and the neighborhood will use it, too. And it was a surprise to get a follow up call from an employee at the company to find out what I was using it for."”
Mauricio Perilla
Chacewater Inc. - Kelseyville, CA
“We’ve had a problem with the crows eating the tar composite roof of the storage shed. I think they’re bored as they don’t eat the olives or the grapes, just the roof. They actually eat the bugs off the olives, but our roof is destroyed. I applied the Avian Control right away and noticed the birds weren’t coming around, generally in the morning and at night. We’re going to keep using it as needed and will try on grapes or other vegetation if the crows are destructive.””
Paul W. Manuel
Larriland Farm - Woodbine, MD
“I found out about Avian Control® Bird Repellent from the Hershey, PA agricultural show. Jon, the president, did a great job explaining the product to me and I really needed to try it for the farm. We have 10-acres of blueberries, 5-acres of sweet corn and 1-acre seedless grapes. The product works on everything to keep the birds away. It really has an impact.””
Lynn Moore
Field View Farm - Orange, CT
“We use the Avian Control for hay and corn, but also in the dairy barn now. It works great and we are really happy with the results. The birds stay away and the crops are saved."”
Walter and Karen Hine
Rodney Eggleston - Hugesville, MD
"We have these tiny birds, probably swallows, building nests in the gazebo. They’re messy and we needed to get it taken care off. I’ve sprayed (Avian Control) two times and it’s working great. We’ll keep using it."”
Rodney Eggleston
Dr. Matthew Brasfield, Jr.
“I have experienced significant results this 1st week, about a 95% improvement! This product is working incredibly well. I have placed a back up order as I want to keep it available for any possible future issues.”
Dr. Matthew Brasfield, Jr.
Wild Stallion Vineyards - Spring TX
“This (Avian Control) is a simple product and it works great. I helped another vintner when I started using it 2016 and we’ve both been happy with the results. I recommend this bird repellent to other grape growers and I wish it worked for the varmints that come after the birds go through"”
Larry Cress
Ductz of Richmond - S Chesterfield, VA.
"My son introduced me to this product (Avian Control) after using it since 2018 and he said it really works. We deal with property management of apartment buildings and we get a lot of unwanted birds. It works really well to keep the birds away and we use it on many projects."”
Dave Hoopsick
Jack C. Hansen Orchard - Orem, UT
“We just have a small cherry orchard, about a dozen trees, but need Avian Control® to keep the birds away. It works great and we’ve used it since it was introduced on the market in 2012!””
Jack C. Hansen
David Sanford - Paso Robles, CA.
“Made a world of difference.” “Saved the day.” “Followed directions with water and a little soap…didn’t know what else to do since the woodpeckers caused horrible damage.” “Recommend to anyone (who has a problem with woodpeckers.)” “Pest control companies should use this product.” “If the product didn’t work, the woodpeckers would’ve lived in the house instead of us. We thought we’d have to sell our cedar vacation home.””
David Sanford
Austin Slattery - Galena, OH
“It works…it really does.” “I tell everyone about it and the neighbors use it, too.” “Lots of barn swallows building nests in protected (enclosed) area on porch. Took down nests, cleaned it really good and sprayed. Birds stayed away initially then came back a bit. Sprayed regularly fr 4-6 weeks and haven’t seen a single bird since September.” “And it smells good.””
Austin Slattery
Apple Valley Orchards - Cleveland, TN
“Didn’t use the first year as it was a little late. Early harvest Ginger Gold and Zestar® apples were close to harvest.” “Used this year and you could tell the difference. There was much less loss.” “We spray it along the woodsline where the early harvest apples are. It works and will keep using it.””
Chuck McSpadden
Antar Johnson - Atlanta, GA
“Worked great. It took a little time for the birds to be affected, about a week, but they stay away.” “Only have to order more if they come back.” “Happy with the product and results.” “Smell isn’t great but I don’t care if it keeps birds from flying into windows and pooping all over the place.””
Antar Johnson
Creek Bed Country Pharmacy - Poynette, WI
“Last year (2022) was first year the peaches produced so we wanted to keep birds away. Avian Control worked GREAT. It’s expensive and some other local farmers won’t use it but it works. Its worth it. We didn’t even need to use it this year and we’re going to try it in our barns as well. Will definitely get more if we run out and need more.””
Darrell Schoeneberg
Bob’s Groves - Lincolnton, GA
“Used as an experiment on a small part of 90 blueberry bushes the first year and it kept the birds away. Has used the past two years in the Spring and will continue to use. Works well on bushes.””
Bob Grove
Bruzzi Vineyards - Young, AZ
“First product that truly delivers. Out of all the products (methods) I’ve tried, this works. It does exactly what it says it will do and there was no damage to the production vines. (Did not use on the younger vines.) We picked grapes right up until November 1 and will use this every year from now on. Tried streamers and other methods, and I can’t afford to do netting (and there’s no labor.) I am very, very, very happy!!! The difference is day and night.””
Bruzzi Vineyards
Brett Huff - Little Rock, AR
“Used Avian Control to get rid of robins eating the mortar from our red bricked house. They need the pebbles, etc to get grit (for their gizzards, to help “chew” food.) The product did not stain the brick but that didn’t matter. We had to stop the robins. It does need to be re-applied and part of the arsenal (with Repels All.) It works and we’ll keep using it as needed.””
Brett Huff
Aloft Aero Architects - Georgetown, DE
“We have a lot of private and government planes that need to be protected against the birds (and mess). The Avian Control works to keep the birds away from the “dog house door” and out of the airplane hangar. It keeps working and we’ll keep using.””
Bob Shinholt
Celeste Schlicht - Sandusky, OH
“Couldn’t figure out best way to spray for woodpeckers up 35’ so tried a pool, water pistol. It worked great!!” “Woodpeckers have moved to another area so will just keep spraying where they go.” Update: “Works great.” “I only had to apply two times on the house but have used on the deck railing for other birds. Just need to reapply if it rains. It’s saved a lot of headaches. And we had spent a lot of money repairing the chimney. We will keep using it every year as needed."”
Celeste Schlicht
Stephanie Strasser - Lakeside, MT
“We didn’t use it (Avian Control Bird Repellent) at first because it was very rainy. We keep putting out peanuts and sunflower seeds because we like to watch the other birds and wildlife.The woodpecker was eating the nuts and seeds as well. We were finally able to spray the house. Shortly after, the woodpecker would eat the nuts and seeds, fly up to the house, then fly over to the trees and peck there. The product has worked really well.””
Stephanie Strasser
Connie Turner - Forsyth, GA
“It (Avian Control) works very well. We had sparrows building nests in both the carriage and main house. We waited until the babies were gone, cleaned up the nests and then sprayed. I used a long shot sprayer and it got the product up there. I need to spray in early Spring before they build nests but will keep doing it. The product certainly worked and we’ll keep using it.””
Connie Turner
Ornie Hofer - Fullerton, ND.
“We don’t need to use a lot for our vineyard each year, but I believe it works. We see a difference and very happy with results. We will keep using it this year.””
Ornie Hofer
David Almquist - Fairfield, CT
“Bought this (Avian Control) to get rid of swallows in the barn. They were making a mess. Got rid of the nests and used the spray. It worked pretty well. The birds are gone.””
David Almquist
James - St. Agatha, ON, Canada
“Works well. Apply with first planting when bird pressure highest. Just applied a few times. Didn’t even need to use for later planting.””
James Herrle
Larry Jolly - Lakewood, California
“I finally got the luscious grapes I had wanted after 3 years of the birds taking everything! I used Avian Control last year and the birds never showed up….. now I’m going to use the same product for my woodpecker. I only bought a gallon and it was worth it’s weight in gold."”
Larry Jolly
Coles Farm and Greenhouses - Madison, CT
“Great results. Use it based on necessity. Great for red-winged blackbirds. (Fairly effective on crows.) Use any time of day, and they’re gone the next day. Don’t need to use canons (and bother neighbors.)"”
Scott Cole
Celeste - Sandusky, OH
“Couldn’t figure out best way to spray for woodpeckers up 35’ so tried a pool, water pistol. It worked great!! Woodpeckers have moved to another area so will just keep spraying where they go. Works great.””
Celeste Schlicht
Christa - Meridian, ID
“Worked great. Kept the black birds away from the dog’s food outside. Did a good job. Didn’t need to use anything else.””
Christa Emery
Baker Buffalo Creek Vineyard & Winery - Lawndale, NC
“Works great. Thank you for what you’ve done for us. It deters the birds from coming in at the beginning, then not at all.” (He said they started spraying every week and, initially, there were still birds but they gradually became fewer and fewer. They will be planting in April and have some A/C left from last year.) We spray as soon as the scout comes in.””
Charles & Ann Edward
Clayton Farms - Denton, MD
"Got advice on Avian Control from another local farmer. Shame I didn’t know about this (product) sooner. I absolutely love it, it keeps the birds away.””
Kenneth Simmons
Tamera - Buckeye, AZ
“Birds making huge mess by swimming pool. Started using it for woodpeckers but then for pigeons and crows. Does what it needs to do. The neighbors love the smell as there’s a canister in communal mailbox area. Will continue using."”
Tamera Meisner (Moritz)
Dale Lynn - Ric Rico, AZ
“Barn swallows making huge mess under veranda. Bought Avian Migrate to get rid of them. Read label when it arrived and saw it was for geese and water birds. Gave it a try. Used several times and the swallows gone.””
Dale Lynn
The Wakaya Group, Fairly, VT
"Bought 1/2 gallon of Avian Control for woodpeckers. Worked like it said it would. Tried a lot of products but it was the only thing that worked. Woodpeckers are gone.”
David Roth
Overlook Farm, Brookfield, MA
“Worked great.” “Recommend to anyone.” “Did the trick.””
Mark LeDoux
My Dad’s Sweet Corn, Tipton, IN
“We sprayed it on and it worked. The birds didn’t mess with it, and we will use it again this year.””
Tim Lindenhall
Mother's Creek Ranch, Canyon City, OR
“Worked great the first year and getting ready to use again this year.” “Used in the barn on swallows””
Bill Davis
Mc Call Flower Farm, Inc., Volcano, HI
"We used it to repel the pheasants…and it works. They moved away.. impressed that it didn’t affect the plants or the taste to customers.””
Jeffrey McCall
Maribella Farm, Fredricksburg, VA
“Very pleased with the results. Researched that the product needs to be applied early in the season and after significant rain. Worked great after following those directions.””
James Radintz
Repair Manger At Fighter Factory
“…with between $2-$3 million worth of the largest collection of classic planes stored in an 1800’s carriage house, that was converted into an aircraft museum, Avian Control worked great to keep the birds away without causing any damage to these priceless aircraft. We just put it in a fog machine for a few hours a week and the birds stayed away.””
Tom Kurtz
Resident of Airmont, NY
“Avian Control got rid of the woodpeckers and sparrows, too. Everyone should use it.””
Frank Romeo
Resident of Ignacio, CO
“….is the best stuff. It’s the greatest. It worked on the mud swallows on the house. I told my son-in-law about it.””
Fluffy Jackson
Fantastic Results
I have had fantastic results for 5 years strait on my blueberries. If you use it at the right time, it’s excellent at keeping the birds away.”
Tom Heflin - Rainbow Orchards, Camino, CA
Stone fruit grower
I just got Avian bird repellant in March 2021.I believe this is a great product to keep birds away.”
Ives Garden - Jackson, MI
The key is spraying it early! I couldn’t run my vegetable business without using Avian Control!! I would have been wiped out each summer if I didn’t spray Avian. When I spray…the birds disperse and I don’t know where they go but they’re gone and stay gone!”
Greg Ives
Marlene Smith - Devils Lake, ND
I was finally able to pick all my Juneberries this year! I tried Avian Control last year and the bird damage was less than a normal year…but it wasn’t until I used a little bit more product this year per acre that it knocked ALL the birds away and I had no damage at all! Feels different and wonderful to have all my Juneberries! Thank you!”
Marlene Smith
Mickey Bowles - Eatonville, WA
I mist Avian Control Bird Repellent on my carports and the birds stop building nests in there and crapping on my cars! I now keep my cars from getting damaged from the bird poop. I also spray my roof to keep the sparrows away and it works! I also have two Fog Force Time Release dispensers with the bird repellent canisters inside on a porch and over a dog run. The birds used to be a big problem in both areas and now they have been gone since I put these units up! I reorder about ever six months.”
Mickey Bowles
Keller Farms - Collinsville, IL
We have been using Avian Control Bird Repellent on our 400 acres of sweet corn for a few years and are very impressed with how well its helped our bird issues. This is a tried and true product! The team here is also very friendly, have great knowledge, and are quick to respond and ship. I highly recommend their products and look forward to continuing business with them for years to come!”
Lindsey Keller-Janssen
Thank you Avian Control
I was in need of help with a problem and Jon came to the rescue. He led me in the direction of the product I needed and gave me helpful tips on making it more efficient. Problem solved! Thanks Jon....”
Lillian Devera
Fox on the Run Vineyard - Pleasant Hill, OR
I used Avian Control for the first time this year on my grapes and the results were amazing. In past years I would have as much as 25% grape loss and mold issues due to the birds. I literally had zero bird losses on my riesling grapes this year. In fact, it was so effective that I never had to reapply, even after a rain. Thanks for a fantastic product.”
Michael A Johns
Valicoff Fruit Company, Inc.
Our experience in using Avian Control® on cherries in Washington state exceeded our expectations. The birds were gone!”
Rob Valicoff, Owner
Department of Entomology - North Carolina State University
My experience is limited to some observations on blueberry for several bird species: Blue Jays, Wrens, Black birds, Cardinals, Robbins and finches and others. I made three applications every two weeks at the low rate (32 ounces per acre) of Avian Control® to several Rabbit eye Blueberry plants in June of 2012 in Raleigh, NC. Several nearby blueberry bushes did not receive any Avian Control®. Those that received no Avian Control® had extensive bird damage with small pecks (more than 40 percent) in the fruit and major fruit drop (more than 75 percent). Those blueberry bushes receiving Avian Control® had very few pecks in the fruit (less than 5 percent) and with fruit drop less than 5 percent. Obviously bird droppings were minimized on the treated plants.”
Dr. Kenneth A Sorensen, Professor Emeritus
Taylor Vieck - JMR Farms
Avian Control® significantly reduced bird damage on my 1,400 acres of sweet corn.”
Taylor Vieck
Alicel Feed & Seed
We are pleased to report that our recent field test of Avian Control® Bird Repellent on a bird infested 75 acre sunflower field proved completely succesful. Although large numbers of birds were initially present in this field prior to treatent with Avian Control ™, actual sunflower seed loss after application was nearly zero." Our test results were so positive that next growing season we plan to include Avian Control® Bird Repellent in our IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Porgram for bird control in Sunflowers and will experiment with utilizing the product in lesser quantities, less frequently…likely applying in one and two applications. Avian Control® Bird Repellent appears to be a very effective and inexpensive repellent for birds in sunflower fields and out company looks forward to making this product available to our customers next growing season to help them win their war against birds.”
Bob Beck, Owner/President
Tim Eslinger - Coleharbor, ND
Coleharbor, N.D., grower Tim Eslinger says the group of birds that was in his field prior to the Avian Control® spray also was gone by early October. The treated 50 acres were in what he would consider a “problem area” prone to blackbird activity. Eslinger hadn’t grown sunflower in over 20 years, but brought it back as another rotational option. “From what I’ve seen, it seems to have worked. The birds have moved out.”
Tim Eslinger
Sunflower grower - Rugby, ND
Mike Christenson, sunflower grower from Rugby, N.D., says he’s impressed with Avian Control®. He traditionally grows a couple hundred acres of oil time of Christenson’s observations, the chemical had been sprayed nine days prior, in early September. “We sprayed a little over half of this 80-acre field, and it had a lot of blackbirds,” he recounts. “It took maybe until the second day or so, and then I’d watch the flocks of birds come down toward the field — and then, instead of landing, they’d swoop off into my neighbor’s corn field. It seems to have worked in this area.”
Mike Christenson
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services - National Sunflower Association Magazine
This EPA-approved, non-lethal repellent discourages birds from congregating in the field and eating the seeds. The product also has been found to possess an ultraviolet component to which birds are sensitive. The combination of the chemical ingredients in Avian Control® is creating the ultraviolet footprint that only birds can see and seem to want to avoid. The idea is that the birds are able to detect a color that would signal a response. It’s approved for sunflower, sweet corn and several fruits. Until this year, Avian Control® has been used on blueberries and cherries with much success.”
George Linz, PhD
Fruit Growers News
Beyond university studies, Avian Control® has positively aided vineyards in Michigan, in turn helping growers to a higher crop yield. Avian Control® is effective against all types of agricultural nuisance birds, is non-toxic to humans, plants, and animals and will not alter the taste of the crops.”
Fruit Growers News
Baxter's Vinyards - Nauvoo, IL
We used Avian Control® to spray our Frontenac and Marquette wine grapes last summer. We got the best results I have ever seen, Avian Control® works great. I just bought more for this growing season to protect for this year. I didn't want to net and now I never have to ever again!”
Kelly Logan
Ciesluk Farms - Deerfield, MA
I had a bad problem with crows and redwing blackbirds in my sweet corn. I called Avian Control® and ordered a 5 gallon case and it was shpped to me in 4 days. I immediately sprayed my sweet corn acres while the birds were there. The next day and all this week ALL the birds have left and have not come back. I didn't even have to spray my corn again. I have never seen this type of tremendous control in all my years of growing.”
Frank Ciesluk
Mark Yaeger Farms - Dekalb, IL
It’s nice to use something that really works! I sprayed a quart to the acre with my Highboy sprayer with drop nozzles. There were 200-300 Sparrows in my sweet corn acres the day I sprayed, eating the ear! They were obviously disturbed when I started spraying and flew away. The next day there were only 50 birds, only this time they weren’t eating the ear, they were just hovering around the tassels. The following day there were only 5 birds just on the tassles and not eating the ear. Today, there are zero birds in my corn! Before I started spraying Avian Control I estimate that I lost 30% of my corn. Three days later there are no birds at all!”
Mark Yaeger
Costantino Farms - Canton, MI
We sprayed once and the birds left us completely alone! We sprayed a quart to the acre on our sweet corn after the birds started ravaging it a few days ago and Avian Control acted as an IRON DOME over our corn! This is the best “fence” we could have used. None of the birds bother the corn anymore.”
Ernie Costantino
Hank Jacob - Kankakee, IL
I had Avian Control applied to the sweet corn via the airplane. I believe it alleviated the bird pressure rather quickly. The birds did not seem to like it. I sprayed some of my earlier patches of corn two or three times.”
Hank Jacob
Westside Farms - Stockton, CA
The Avian Control worked extremely well this year on our cherry crop. The orchard was noticeably quieter compared to last year and the amount of damage was significantly less. The Avian Control made our orchard a place the birds did not want to be and the packouts proved they were not eating our cherries this year. We applied the product twice but because of the length of the harvest, we think a third application will produce the ultimate control. We will definitely be using Avian Control again next season to eliminate the bird damage.”
Randy Rajkovich Panoche
Reister Grower Services - Western Michigan
Dear Avian Control®, Just a few comments on this past season performance of the new Avian Control® product for us in several different crops including primarily Blueberries and Cherries, mostly along the Michigan West-Side. We had close to 40 Growers try Avian Control® at various levels–a couple of them went "all-in" and used a bunch of it. Included on this user-list are some intensely research-minded growers that make it a point to let me know what they witnessed for results, and if they would use it again. I had several Growers re-order in large quantities and claim they have NEVER found anything that worked this well! Out of 39 Growers we had only 2 guys that agreed they had not applied the product in the timely manner recommended and did not spray any follow up applications. These were the only two who told me they were not impressed with the results. We also had neutral-Non-Grower Industry People watching these applications that were very favorably impressed. I am also very encouraged that you guys at Avian Control® are getting some serious University research testing completed, like that of Michigan State University, to add to your base of knowledge and experience and support for us guys in the field. Thanks for this opportunity to help our customers keep their growing fields bird-free for their harvest season.”
Linda and Ron Reister
Tom Eyre
We have over 6 acres of French hybrid grapes-50% red. Over 5,000 starlings can come for breakfast,lunch and dinner. Despite stringlines, pie plates, owl figures etc., we on occasion have lost up to 100% of the crop. We decided to try Avian Control on an experimental basis. Early August a fine mixture was sprayed on the leaves. The starlings came, sat in the windbreak trees, chattered but did not go down on the grapes. Eventually they would just fly over. We had concerns of the spray being washed off. Several heavy downpours did not affect its deterrence. After a good harvest, only some partially ripened grapes remained and it wasn't until the leaves fell this week did any starlings enter the vinyard. Harvest was 95 % as other birds, thrashers, robins etc. did not affect it. Thank you for solving my problem.”
Tom Eyre
Noryous Birds and Wildlife Services - Penang, Malayisa
Thank you for your guidance for the usage of the Avian on the wet rice paddy field. We have done our first and second applications for our pilot project with the Malaysian Department of Agriculture. Bird quantities were reduced by more about than 90% from the usual day. The customers are very pleased with the result.”
Hoffman Orchards - Gardners, PA
I had lost 75% of my apples the previous two years in a row due to birds. I used Avian Control this past season and only lost 10% due to bird damage. I KNOW it works! I had to hire apple pickers this year for all the additional apples!!”
Michael Hoffman
Simplot Grower Solutions - Minto, ND
We sprayed our sunflower acres one time last season and saw immediate results. The repellency against the pesky birds lasted 7-10 days very strongly. The next time we have sunflower crops we may spray a second time. Avian Control did what it said it would do!”
Nathan Medbery
The Happy Berry - Six Mile, SC
We used Avian Control in the 2013 season. It was a very rainy season with 21 extra inches of rain. We tried Avian with and without a DMI for August and September. It appeared to work for a severe Robin problem but also caused several other non problem species to leave.”
Walker Miller
Reister Grower Service - Kent City, MI
Avian Control Bird Repellent is the only liquid bird repellent I have ever tried that actually works.... and at a small fraction the cost of other things we have tried.”
Ron Reister
Rockey Point Orchards - Inc. Orondo, WA
I have used ALL the bird repellents out there..you name it, I have used it. Avian Control is the FIRST one that really WORKS!! I compared it to two other liquid chemical repellents and it is clear to me that Avian Control is by far the most effective. I was able to save acres of cherries with this product.”
Chris Hanson
Mark Yaeger Farms - Dekalb, IL
I had total devastation of my sweet corn two years ago due to birds. Last year I used Avian Control Bird Repellent, and had very minimal damage, IF ANY! This year I'm spraying Avian Control again early so that I can prevent the birds from the start.”
Mark Yaeger
Orlando, KY
I sprayed my blueberry bushes with the following mixture: 1/2 quart Avian, 3 1/2 quarts of water, 1/2 oz. of Dawn dish soap. I sprayed on Saturday evening and checked the berries yesterday and today. The birds are staying out and I really have a lot of ripe berries on the bushes right now which should be very tempting. We've also have wild turkey and they've been right by the berries and haven't touched them.”
Barbara Congleton
Tripleberry Farm - Kendall, NY
We applied Avian Control and the birds are staying away. I admit I was skeptical but I see it does work!! I'm impressed.”
Kim Doty
Mount Vineyards - Park Hills, MO
I had used other bird repellents in the past and had no success keeping the birds away. I finally tried your product this past summer and had great results! The birds all left after the first spray and stayed away until after I picked all of my Norton and Chambord wine grapes. I will use Avian Control every growing season now to keep the birds off my grapes. Thank you!”
Bill Mount
Kuras Farms, LLC - Suffield, CT
We were so impressed with the results of Avian Control! It worked really well, we just bought more product today for next year already for use here in Connecticut on our blueberries.”
Chester Kuras
Blue Gold Growers - Plant City, FL
I used Avian Control in my Nursery and Blueberry fields. It only took two applications before I noticed a BIG DIFFERENCE in the amount of birds in my fields. It lasted much longer than anything else I have tried and was more effective. I am very satisfied. I will definitely continue using this product and recommend it.”
Jorge Salmeron-Vences
Brace’s Orchard - Dallas, PA
The Avian Control Prouduct has helped our business immensely. Birds have stayed away from our cherries and blueberries. Having to go out there myself to get rid of birds myself all day is a thing of the past thanks to this product! It worked VERY VERY well!”
Paul Brace Jr.
Blue Monkey Farms - Plant City, FL
Avian Control worked like magic on my blueberries last season to keep the birds of my blueberries. I am reordering my 2.5 gallon container now for the season because our season starts now down here in Florida in two weeks. I can not write enough good things about this product, it really worked great!”
Janet Swilley
Universal Package Systems LLC
We have been using your Avian Control product for 3 years. We have a 25,000 sq. ft. shed, open on one side, that we use for storing plastic container. We were spending thousands of dollars cleaning bird droppings from our containers prior to shipment. We had a very heavy infestation of pigeons, doves, sparrows, starlings and any other species you can name in Southern Indiana. After trying other solutions and resisting the expense of putting in all the barbs to stop them for perching and nesting inside the building, we purchased your avian control chemicals. At first the birds resisted the chemical and we had to spray the areas where the birds could perch 3 times a week. After about 3 weeks, we sprayed twice a week and after short period of time we are now down to one time per week. I have no idea how the product works, but now a stray bird will fly into the shed and exits immediately. We have literally save thousands of dollars in steam cleaning of containers prior to shipment. The product really does work.”
Jim Kulbeth, President
Dansby Berry Farms - Rocky Mount, VA
Cherries are my prized possession. I got some Avian Control last year from a neighbor and used it on my cherries, raspberries, and asparagus. It worked wonders to keep the birds out of everything. First time anything has worked. Made a big difference for us here at Dansby Berry Farms.”
John Dansby
Wine Grape Grower - Warrenton, MO
After fighting the birds and netting for several years in my vineyard, I decided I wanted to try something new. Even with the netting, I had birds get inside and wipe out my grapes. I found Avian Control and decided to try it. I sprayed all the vines and the clusters. That evening I checked and no birds in site. So far, I am sold on this product. Sure beats messing around with netting. My grape crop is really good this year so I did not want to lose it to the birds.”
Bob Truetken
Tomasello Winery Inc. - Hammonton, NJ
Avian Control is clearly the best tool on the market in defense of birds in the vineyard and has proven time and time again to be the most effective. We have tested your product for years and feel it can be used very close to harvest without any issues to the fermentation process of the final taste of the wines. Each grower will need to find its best use, however I can tell you it has the ability to go the distance when everything else stops working. Say goodbye to netting.”
Jack Tomasello
Warner Springs, CA
After receiving my Avian control spray, I went to work spraying my fruit trees and tomato plants, then set back and waited to see if your product lived up to what I was told when ordering your product. Not only does it work, I've told all my friends who have been bothered with all these birds as well as those darn Black Birds. Your spray not only works great, but oder is pleasant and I not longer have a bird problem here in Warner Springs, CA.”
Mary Hadsall
Cedar Mesa Vineyards - Cedaredge, CO
Avian Control was AMAZING this year for us. We had a crop to pick! Normally the Starlings take almost everything, but this product kept them at bay.”
Mike Mason
Sweet Cherry Grower - Marion, NY
I bought 1 gallon last year, it worked EXCELLENT! I only have 3 rows of cherries but I had 25-30 birds pecking and eating my cherries before I tried it. After I started spraying Avian Control that number went down to 2 birds!! And they weren’t pecking or eating, just sitting on the branches looking confused and unsure of what to do. They continued not to peck and I had no further damage the rest of the season. I called today to order another gallon for this coming season.”
Steven Dickenson
Long Cliff Vineyard & Winery Inc. - Sanborn, NY
I used Avian control for the first time this year. I am well pleased. Your product surpassed my expectations. I have purchased other products based upon advertising, only to find that I had purchased "Snake Oil." Your product performed better than I could have imagined. I applied a heavy application of the product to get the birds attention, then followed up 10 days later with a very light application and have not witnessed any birds in the vineyard or the area for two weeks and counting. Your product exceeds your advertising claims by far. I am one happy customer.”
Donald DeMaison, President
Westbrook Wine Farm - O'Neals, CA
Our small family vineyard is located at about 1500 feet in elevation in the Sierra Nevada Range of eastern Madera County, California. We are growers of all eight of the varieties originally approved for red Bordeaux or Meritage style wines. Our production is small but at $65 a bottle still quite valuable. Yes, we are one of those idealists who left the oaks in the vineyard for aesthetics and harmony. In retrospect, a bonehead move contributing to an increased avian population. We have bird netted, wind milled, Bird Xd , Mylar taped and Zohn gunned since 1999. The physical barrier of netting was the only thing that worked, measurably well. After a couple of years reading, watching and discussing the Avian Control product , we decided to go cold turkey (no netting)for the 2016 vintage and try Avian Control in conjunction with the other minor deterrents . We also introduced a couple of 20 foot "Sky Dancers" to the arsenal to help dissuade other vertebrate pests, as well. Bottom line is that with the recommended maximum applications every 10 days from veraison through 10 days before harvest, negligible bird damage. As winemakers, we were concerned with what Methyl Anthranilate might form or inhibit during fermentation and found no evidence of deleterious activity or residual with its use. For us here at Westbrook Wine Farm, the stuff works and we will use it for future protection and cost savings.”
Ray Krause
Roger Hedgecock - Julian, CA
Last year at this time I purchased an apple orchard of 7300 trees in Julian, CA One of the issues we faced in this orchard was loss of fruit to birds. On a recommendation of a long time local apple grower, we purchased your Avian Control bird repellent product. We sprayed the Avian Control twice last September to each of our seven apple varieties. While we also used reflective streamers, eyeballs, and our orchard manager's dog to keep birds away, your product was responsible for an 80 to 90% reduction of bird damage to the apples. Our harvest was 30% higher than the pre-harvest high estimate. Your product works.”
Roger Hedgecock
Merry Dawn Acres
We used the Avian Control last year in our barn, where there were up to 50 or 60 birds at a time.They were mostly Barn Swallows and Sparrows.They made a total mess in the barn. After using the Avian, the number of birds was reduced to just a few that had nests, and they left after a short time, too. The barn is so much more enjoyable and cleaner now. We will continue to use this product gladly.”
Brad and Becky Robson
William Carson - Wadly, AL
Your Avian Control repelled my birds 80-90% after just one spray on my corn! After the second spray, it was close to 100% effectiveness. I used a back sprayer and have never seen something be so effective at keeping the birds out of my field and sweet corn. Thank you.”
William Carson
Ives Gardens - Jackson, MI
I wanted you guys to know that I have tried many other bird repellents in the past and never had any success. Some things worked somewhat, but only for a few days. After the first time trying your product, I could tell it was going to work better than anything I had tried before. The birds started leaving in droves and with each additional spray more left, until after 3 weeks of 3 sprays on a few of my fields, all my birds were gone in those fields and all my other fields. It worked so well that all the birds left and never came back! Avian Control works great…. really happy with it. My 26 acres of sweet corn thank you too! Great product! You saved me time and grief, and saved my corn.”
Greg Ives
Stoplight Vineyards
I had wonderful success with Avian Control keeping birds out of my grapes for the past two years from my big vineyard. Every year before I started using the product I had horrible bird problems in the grapes. The past two years I haven’t had any birds whatsoever. I used an ultra sonic 20 micron sprayer, it doesn’t run off the vine, and I use about a third as much product than I would with a conventional sprayer. Like pain spraying. It worked extremely well. I only sprayed twice last season and it got me 6 weeks of hang time. In years past around the 20 brix level the birds would be like locusts. Not anymore. No birds. This past year the vineyard I sprayed were completely empty of birds. The smaller vineyard I didn’t spray did have tons of birds, however. I will make sure to spray that vineyard the same way this year. I am an enthusiastic user of your product!”
Chip Splinter, MD
Esber's Farm & Market
I used the Avian Control at a rate of 2.5 oz to the gallon of water. I used it and was spraying my Blueberry field as the cultavars are changing color, I have 8 varieties that ripen at different times. As of now it has helped at least 90%.”
Steve Esber
Villa Nove Vineyards - Butler, TN
I didn’t net anything this year, Avian Control did a great job. The labor savings with not netting was a big plus, the results were very good. Avian Control went a long way! I just ordered 5 gallons for my 8 acres here in Butler.”
Wayne Gay
Bennett Orchards - Frankford, DE
This is the 4th year in a row we’ve used Avian Control Bird Repellent on our blueberries to keep the birds off! I knew it worked after the first year I tried it on half of my fields and noticed a large difference in the half treated with Avian Control and the half left untreated. I saw a big difference!”
Hail Bennett
Avian Migrate
Canada Geese - Stevens Point, WI
“We started using the Avian Migrate in 2023 for the geese all around the boat launch and parking lot. Visitors were just so displeased with the mess. It worked pretty good last year and we added the InvisiDye this year. It’s not 100% perfect but really helps a lot. We are messing around with the dosing and continue to use it."”
Village Of Whiting
Pest Control Operator - Stinger, WI
“We started using the goose repellent (Avian Migrate) several years ago, then heard about the UV additive, InvisiDye. Our customers are happy with the initial results but we wanted to make the results even better by adding the dye. Our big problem with geese is between spring and July and this combination of products really works. We’re very happy that it is non-toxic and eco-friendly. It also works to repel the killdeer on roofs of buildings. We used to buy the Migrate from a distributor but we like dealing directly with the manufacturer. We’re really confident we’ll get new clients and more business with this product combination."”
Advanced Wildlife & Pest Control, LLC
Canada Geese - Brandon, MB
“I ordered the product (Avian Control) on-line to help with my goose problem. I was grateful that an employee called to find out what I ordered the product for as I should’ve bought the other product (Avian Migrate) for geese. The description on the site said the goose repellent has dye in it so I thought that would stain the deck. Was advised the dye is for the geese to see and I needed to test the bird repellent to see if it stained the deck. Not only did it not stain the deck but it absolutely worked to repel the geese! The “wrong" product worked really well and I will continue to use it, or try the Avian Migrate next year.””
Carina Visser
Canada Geese - North Bangor, NY
“We tried the goose repellent (Avian Migrate) alone last year (2023) for his geese issue. The client wasn’t happy because the results weren't instant. We applied the product again, then bought the other product (Invisidye UV Marker) and added it. We’re confident it worked because he didn't call back to complain, and he rehired us this year. We feel certain we’ll get more customers going forward. We’re really happy with the product combination."”
Jock Pest Control
Starlings - Worcester, MA
“My father and I have been in the critter control business for a long time and we’ve been tasked with getting rid of starlings. Massachusetts has a big influx of the birds, so we had to get a solution. We were using Avian Migrate® Goose & Bird Repellent from Avian Enterprises, but also added reflective spinners. Well, the residents and businesses didn’t really care for those so we found the InvisiDye UV Marker also from Avian Enterprises and it works!!!! The starlings see the products together and they don’t like it, but when they get close to the awnings and come in contact with the mixture, they fly off. We’ve got a great solution with these two products. We’ll keep using it.””
Critter Control Operations, Inc.
Janelle Soman - Loveland, CO
“I read about the (Avian Migrate) goose repellent and it got good reviews. The website explains very well how to use it and how it works. I’d say it works pretty well and I’ve seen a sizable change 75% less geese around here. I think it's the best solution, and the whole neighborhood needs it!!””
Janelle Soman
Seraphim Total Home Business & Property Management Services
"It went well. (Using the Avian Migrate Goose and Bird Repellent Had two birds that were kind of stubborn but the Avian Migrate was able to contain them into certain areas to isolate them from the rest of the property."”
Steve Beacham - Certified ISA arborist
Clinton Drew - Eastman, QC
“Our neighbors feed the geese and the population was humungous. We told them not to spray but they still do!! And we couldn't spray when the geese had babies so we had to wait. Now there is about 1/2 the amount of geese that there were (2 families instead of 5.) It’s a crazy difference, though it took a few weeks to notice. This takes time to work but it’s worth it. We are very happy with the results and we tell others about it” (Avian Migrate® Goose & Bird Repellent)."”
Clinton Drew
Kettering Health Grounds - Kettering, OH
“We’ve used Avian Migrate for several years and it really works. Our company tried other products for several locations and nothing worked! Avian Migrate is really effective and we wanted to get even better results, so we ordered the InvisiDye UV Marker from the company. We are confident that the combination will be really effective.””
Kyle Etter
Ronny Angulo - Branford, CT
“I’m a property manager of an island and peninsula off the coast of CT. The geese are a mess. I thought the Avian Control was the right product but was advised I needed Avian Migrate. I’ve had positive results with it and just had to be heavy-handed with the initial application. Afterwards, we applied every other week and it’s kept the geese away. We may see a few stragglers but nothing like before. I’m very happy with the product (Avian Migrate.)"”
Ronny Angulo
Presidential Estates HOA - Miami, FL
“We’re a golf course community but the main issue with geese was at the fenced-in area by the gate house. There were so many geese around making a mess. The maintenance worker applied once and said the geese squawked at him. We had to wait a few weeks before applying more (elections) but once we did, the geese were gone!! We only did 2-3 more applications. Hopefully we won’t need to apply more this year but will if necessary. Thanks, Avian Migrate."”
Karelia Freites
Edward “Eddie” Coffin - Nantucket, MA
“I’ve used sound machines to get rid of geese on a private golf course in the past. They geese are such a nuisance and nothing was working. The Avian Migrate seems to be working to deter the geese, better than the sound machines, and I will keep using it. I’m glad I was told about adding InvisiDye to the Migrate and I may try that later this year."”
Edward “Eddie” Coffin
Joanie Swanson - Ashland, NE
“I was referred to Avian Enterprises for bird control by Omaha Country Club who had awful problems with birds in their porte cochères and used Avian Control® Fog Force Bird Repellent. I figured I’d give it a try. It smells great, it’s humane and gets rid of the sparrows and swallows.I recommend this to my neighbors and friends. I hope they use it, and I will continue to as well. I hope the Avian Migrate I’m trying works for the geese.””
Joanie Swanson
The Beaumaris Yacht Club - Beaumaris, ON. Canada
“We have a lot of geese on the golf course and they’re a nuisance. We’ve tried several methods to get rid of them including an “alligator” and lasers. We started using Avian Migrate with the InvisiDye and it’s doing the trick. It’s economical and practical. The numbers are reduced, though there are still some hangers-on. We will keep using it."”
Greg Smith
Acadia Landscaping, Inc. - Glen Burnie, MD
“Our company has been in business since 1980, and we see an increase in the amount of geese. I needed something to get rid of the geese on a property on Chesapeake Bay. The geese were bad. I got the (Avian Migrate) repellent at the beginning of June and applied it once. The owner had a camera set up recording the geese running off when they got a whiff. This really works and I’m happy with it."”
Andrew Hudson
AHEPA Management Company - Fishers, IN
“Couldn’t even get in our front door. Geese laid eggs in the front flower beds.” “Geese still around but near the lakes in back of building or across the street.” “Applied every spring and it’s still working.” This product is 4 years old. “No Issues since we started using it.” “And we all love the grape smell.””
AHEPA Management
Allen Chorman & Son, Inc. - Greenwood, DE
Bought 2.5-gallon AM 3-23-23 and I can’t find an other purchases. “This really works great.” “We have between 15-50 geese each year starting in Spring…it just depends. They’re here all year and spray as needed.” “Used this for years and will continue to use it.” “Generally need to spray every three weeks depending on how many geese.””
Allen Chorman
Bethel Marine, LLC - Amelia, OH
“Geese all over the campsite, on sidewalks, on the ground. It was a mess.” “They were there when we arrived to camp (in 2022) Sprayed Migrate and they were gone. Saw immediate results. And they stayed away until the next year. ” “Worked excellently and smells good, too. And it’s safe for the geese and our pets and kids.” “I am extremely happy and will use as needed.” “Recommended to other campers and I know they’ve ordered, too.””
Tim and Natalie
Brandin’ Iron Inn - West Yellowstone, MT
Pleasant surprise!! “The hotel across the street from our inn power-washed the swallows off of their building so they (the birds) came over here. We used the (Avian Migrate) in pump sprayers and it worked great!! It was easy to use and we no longer have a problem. I highly recommend it.””
Shellie Dowdle
Champaign County Physical Plant - Urbana, IL
“We used it on the retention pond in front of the municipal offices first. The geese were really bad and blocking the entrance. We had a professional company remove the eggs and geese first since they're protected. Then we sprayed the Avian Migrate and it worked really well. The geese didn’t go away entirely but there were a lot less. They’ve been around for a long time and used to the area. We’ll keep at it and next year add the InvisiDye to the Migrate to get really good results. We had a spell of no rain so that did help to keep the geese away from the ponds.””
Champaign County Physical Plant
Claudia Gatti - Chicago, IL
“We had a lot of geese on our property and had to get rid of them. I only used this (Avian Migrate) a few times and the geese were gone. I didn’t have to re-apply it but have some left in case they return.””
Claudia Gatti
Fox on the Run Vineyard, Pleasant Hill, OR
“Kudos. I appreciate the application card that came with the product. It only didn’t work with the rain.””
Michael Johns
Avian Migrate
If it wasn't for this product, the blackbirds in our area would destroy our corn yearly.”
We sprayed Avian Migrate in the correctional yard to keep the geese away and it worked very well. The geese are now fully under control, despite some rainy weather this spring. We are now a full time user of Avian Migrate Goose Repellent.”
Lebanon Correctional Institute - Lebanon, Ohio
Sugar Woods Farm Vineyards/Winery - Wolfe Island, ON
I grow northern wine grape, Marquette and Frontenac….and normally as soon as Veraison hits we need to get the bird netting up! But it’s a pain in the butt! I used Avian Control last year, spraying once every 10 days and the birds disappeared. Saved me two thousand dollars on not having to put nets up!! I just reordered for this season.”
Hank Connell
Crop Production Services - Winchester, VA
We used this product and had great success on cherries.”
Daniel Beatty
Chanting Oaks Vineyard and Farm - Colfax, IA
I'm happy to say, that your product works! I had no bird issues this year and netting the vines is history. Thanks!”
Brett Seebeck
Johnson Small Fruits - Elk Park, NC
The product did an Excellent Job this year. I sprayed my blueberries and the birds left almost immediately. I sprayed once a week for three weeks, and I saved a lot of blueberries because of it. My robins, blackbirds, and others stayed away.”
Tom Johnson
Put-In-Bay Twp Port Authority
Here are a few pictures I took with no birds. That's a wonderful thing. Normally when you look out on the airport there are birds in the grass areas and sea gulls sitting on the runway.”
Rosann Keiser
Dennis Wilt Agriculture - LaCenter, WA
Jon Starlings cleaned one acre of blue berries last summer. Not enough left to make a pie. Last Saturday we harvested 6,627 lbs. Everything the same except this year added AC 40 oz every 7 days beginning when fruit was still green.”
Dennis Wilt
Avian Fog Force TR
Luis Lagarda Miranda - Paradise Valley, AZ
“I put up two dispensers (Fog Force) in the trees in my yard and they keep the birds away. They’re (the birds) messy and a nuisance. I use it for other properties in AZ as well. Customers like it and it works.””
Luis Lagarda Miranda
Charles Young - Findlay, OH
“Had all kinds of birds in the pole barn where the machinery is. After first time spraying, they were mad!! The spray kept them down but the real test is next Spring when they come back. We used some in the horse barn, too, but that’s harder to spray up high the way the barn is designed. We’ll try again next year to see how it works.” **I recommended FFTR for the horse barn and he is going to look at the website and read about it.”
Charles Young
Fog Force Canisters are a Lifesaver!
These Fog Force canisters are a lifesaver! I have them up around my pool and they continue to keep the birds out of my pool area! I just reordered a case of them!”
Jean Gisondi - Westland, Michigan
Anchorage East Summit Resort Group Property Management - Dillon, Colorado
We had a Mud Swallow problem at our condo complex. I called Avian Enterprises and they sent me 10 Fog Force Time Release Dispensers after explaining exactly how it would solve the problem. We mounted 10 dispensers in the high eves of each condo unit on the balconies. It’s worked great! The mud swallows aren’t nesting there anymore and not one new bird has even tried since! It has been a wonderfully easy solution to our bird problem! We got them up just before peak nesting.”
Kevin Carson
Hermans Farm Orchard - St. Charles, MO
You SAVED my blackberries! My Kiowa (Indian name) blackberries are the largest in the world and the longest producing. They are golf ball size, so losing any is a big loss for me! I used to use everything else to prevent bird damage, like kites and loud noises. Nothing ever worked! I used Avian 2-3 times and it really worked! Thank You!”
Tom Herman
Kuras Farms, LLC - Suffield, CT
The product has been very successful for me for three straight years. It keeps the birds out of my 10 acres of blueberries, we’re very happy with it and recommend it to anyone that calls us. My neighbor is now going to use it on his corn this year.”
Chester Kuras
Atam Winery - Manson, WA
We brought in our first crops, Syrah and Gewuerztraminer, and the clusters looked really nice and only about 20% bird damage (we have heavy pressure from robins and starlings and no netting or bird canons). Avian works for us pretty well, we experienced this already 2 years ago. We had rain one time after spraying, but it still did work. We will use it again for sure as for us it is the best solution.”
Irmi Atam
Blue Gold Growers - Plant City, FL
I bought 5 gallons last year and just bought another 5 gallons today. This was the only thing that has worked to keep the birds out of my blueberries. I have spent thousands over the years in fireworks, I’d rather spend hundreds instead on something that truly works for my 10 acres. I have recommended this product to everyone I know with a bird problem. Thank you.”
Jorge Salmeron
Renae Miller - Detroit Lakes, MN
I can't say enough about Avian Fog Force TR! We had a terrible problem with mud swallows building nests, dive bombing guests and in general making a mess around our house. We tried all the usual things but nothing worked. Then we found Avian Fog Force TR! We installed 4 units, one on each side of the house. Within minutes the swallows were flying around but would not come near the house! I haven't had to clean up after them since! I called today to order more supplies. We plan to expand our coverage to include the horse barn and riding arena next spring. Thanks again for solving this problem and having your product available for homeowners!”
Renae Miller
B & T Farms - Gilroy, CA
I started using this product to spray my blueberries in 2013 and I used it each summer and it works! I used to have really aggressive birds pecking, eating, and ruining my berries…but now I don’t have that problem. Two seasons ago I noticed vertical stripes on a small patch of blueberries that washed off immediately and I realized it was from the birds licking but not actually biting or pecking into the blueberry after I sprayed. I knew then that this product was responsible for me saving lots of berries. Thank you.”
Paul Mirassou
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