
How to Grow Berries in the Backyard

Buying fruit from the grocery store can be expensive! Berries can be especially expensive because they have a quick expiration date and require extra care so they do not get damaged. Growing your own berries is easier than you think and can save you money in the long run. These tips for how to grow berries can help you make the most of your own personal berry garden.

SEE ALSO: Protecting Berries from Birds

Growing Tips for Strawberry Plants

Strawberries are easy to care for and a popular fruit choice for growing at home. There are a few varieties gardeners can choose from:Strawberry Growing Advice

  • June-bearers yield the most fruit, but only once per year.
  • Everbearers produce one crop in the summer and one crop in the fall.
  • Day-neutrals produce for the entire growing season, but are smaller in size.

Strawberries should be planted in the spring and in direct sunlight. When planting, it is important to plant the crown of the plant just below the soil. Strawberries sprawl out as they grow, so they should be planted at least 12 inches apart. Strawberries grow best when planted in a raised bed so the soil can drain excess water.

Cultivating Raspberries and Blackberries

Raspberries and blackberries are popular berries to grow at home. It is important to note that these berries grow leaves the first season and berries the second season. Raspberries and blackberries grow tall and wide, so as they grow, they will need support. These berries should be planted in direct sun and moist soil. The soil should be free of weeds and grass. Plants should be separated by at least six feet to allow growth.Raspberry Growing Tips

SEE: How to Prepare for Spring Garden Planting

Taking Care of Blueberry Bushes

Blueberries require proper attention and soil condition in order to grow. Like most berries, blueberries should be planted in direct sunlight and in the spring. However, they require very acidic soil. Keep the following blueberry growing tips in mind to ensure a high crop yield:

  • Soil should be in the four to five range on the pH scale.
  • Pelleted sulfur, peat moss and bagged fertilizers can help increase the acidity range.
  • It is best to control the pH level a year before planting blueberries.
  • Blueberry bushes should be planted five feet apart.

Once the berries are planted, it is important to maintain the pH level and add fertilizer rich in nitrogen.

RELATED: Spring into Blueberry Growing Season with Bird Control

Protect Residential Berries with Non-toxic Bird Control

Growing berries can vary in difficulty, but it is worth the economic savings if you can maintain a consistent harvest.  Protecting your backyard berries with a non-toxic bird control spray is ideal for making sure birds don’t come near your yard at all during the planting, growing and harvesting phases. Avian Control liquid bird repellent is EPA-registered and proven to keep birds away without harming fruit growth, appearance or taste. Order a residential-sized product to help your berries last all the way to harvest time! Call 888.868.1982 or contact us online today for more information.

How to Grow Berries in the Backyard
Avian Enterprises is here to teach you how to grow berries in your backyard.
Brand: Avian Enterprises
How to Grow Berries in the Backyard