The process of planting requires a lot of attention, hard work and patience. Receiving the final crop or end product from your plant is a rewarding process. No one wants that reward disturbed, most commonly by birds. Luckily, there are many methods to keep birds away. Although the most popular may be bird netting, we are here to tell you the downfalls of netting and different alternatives you can try instead.
Disadvantages of Bird Netting
Bird netting is known to be an effective bird control, but there are many factors to consider before investing. Bird netting can prevent damage to crops, but birds may manage to reach their beak through the holes. It can also be expensive, especially to cover a large area. Other disadvantages include:
- Bird netting can be expensive. When covering a large area, the cost continues to add up. These costs continue when the netting needs to be replaced because it doesn’t last forever and is not a permanent solution.
- Netting doesn’t last forever. As the netting gets older, it can do more harm to your plants than good. Bird netting needs to be replaced every 3-10 years which can become tedious.
- Requires proper installation. If not put in the proper way, the netting will not be effective. This can cause birds and animals to get into your crops or potentially cause harm to the animals. Installation and removal of bird netting can be labor-intensive.
- Risk of harming birds. Bird netting does propose a risk of birds getting caught in the wires. There have been cases of birds dying due to being trapped in the netting and unable to get away. Outside of birds, there is also a risk of other small animals or creatures getting caught on your property.
- Can potentially damage plants. Some netting provides certain shading that can prevent sunlight from reaching the plants. Netting can also latch onto certain aspects of the crop and break pieces off that can cause farmers to lose fruit.
Related: Bird Netting Do’s and Don’ts
Alternatives to Bird Netting
Apply Long Lasting Bird Repellent
Bird repellent spray is a lesser-known method of bird control but is highly effective. Bird repellent sprays irritate the bird’s taste and smell senses to repel them away from the area. Bird repellent spray application can be fogged, sprayed aerially or sprayed from the ground. Advantages of bird repellent spray include:
- Prevention of crop damage
- Elimination of nesting
- Prevention of bird attacks
Bird repellent spray is effective, but it’s important to choose the right one. Qualities to look for in a bird repellent spray include a non-lethal formula that is safe to use around other plants, pets and people. It should also not alter the taste, growth or color of the crops.
Related: Avian Control Vs. Netting
Scare Tactics
In order to protect your plants from birds and other wildlife, try scaring them off. There are a variety of scare tactics you can use without actually harming the birds. Some include:
Visual Deterrents: Trick birds into fearing your property with visual deterrents. These include windsocks, predatory bird decoys, and reflective surfaces. This approach works sometimes, but visual deterrents can become less effective over time. Birds can become desensitized to the visuals and may stop perceiving this scare tactic as a threat.
Sound Machines: Different machines can produce different sounds. Some examples include sounds from a predator. This can easily scare the birds away or make it seem the space is already claimed. Sounds of distressed bird calls can be another way to scare the birds away. This tactic can be effective to protect your crops, but the constant sound can frustrate surrounding people and wildlife.
RELATED: 5 Ways to Protect Cherries From Birds
Provide Alternative Food Sources
Instead of covering your plants with netting, try giving them something else to snack on. Try placing bird feeders filled with seed or grain around the outskirts of your property. This option can prevent feathered thieves from stealing your fruits or damaging crops. Beware that providing alternative food sources can sometimes draw more birds to your property, and risks providing direct access to your plants.
The Difference Of A Liquid Bird Repellent
Avian Control liquid bird repellent is the most effective and efficient way to solve your bird control problems. Rather than building a wall of netting around your plants, Avian Control offers a bird control strategy that is more efficient. The liquid bird repellent is available in a variety of sizes to make it easy for you to select the option that will work best to protect your blueberry bushes.
Protect Your Plants With Avian Control
Stop birds from damaging your plants, without using a single net, with the help of our Avian Control liquid bird repellent. Shop now for an effective, safe, non-lethal solution or contact us at 888.868.1982 for more information.
Alternatives To Netting