
Posts Tagged as Bird Problems (page 2)

How To Keep Birds Out of Your Shed and Garage

The sounds of birds chirping in the midst of the morning light can be a calming sound to wake up to, but can soon be the cause of a more troublesome encounter as those calming birds are soon invading your shed or garage. Often hard to detect, birds are agile in finding a protected and tranquil new home to nest in. In order to combat your new tenants, here are some ways to rid off your new intruders.

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Pumpkins and Gourd Harvest

Harvest Season Preparations | Protecting Your Gourds & Pumpkins

    • Protect during growth
    • Allow for full ripening
    • Preserve from pest birds

Fall is upon us, which means it’s almost time to harvest your pumpkins and gourds. Preparing your gourds and pumpkins for harvest takes time and commitment. Harvesting too early results in underdeveloped gourds. Harvesting too late could mean rotten produce or run ins with frost. Below are a few tips to ensure a bountiful harvest this season.

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How To Repel Barn Swallows During Cold Months

There aren’t many birds as determined as the barn swallow. Swallows eat insects and are known to build nests in and around barns and other structures. While these birds are largely tolerated because they feed on insects that people are generally annoyed by, one location they are not welcome is in your barn. Because of federal regulations, it’s important to know some safe and legal ways to repel barn swallows during the upcoming cold months. Here’s everything you need to know about legal barn swallow bird control.

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