
Best Sprays for Birds: What to Look Out For

With such a large variety of bird repelling methods and products on the market, it can be overwhelming to know which ones work and which ones will rob you of your time and money. Fortunately, Avian Control has done all the research you will need to determine which method or product is the best for you based on your situation.

Toxic vs. Non-Toxic

While the birds may be pests to you, they are quite necessary in the ecosystem. Choosing harmful chemicals that will permanently damage the birds can have a devastating impact on the environment. Always opt for the product that is “non-toxic” and safe enough for humans and other animals. A good bird repellent will only repel birds, not hurt them.

RELATED: Everything You Should Know About Chemical Bird Spray

Homemade Products

It may seem easier to cut a few corners with homemade sprays, but the amount of time and effort necessary to make the product is not worth the wait or the odds that it will work. Many homemade remedies are based on human logic, not facts about birds. For example, creating a spray made out of chili peppers by chopping and adding them to a bottle of water to ferment for a few days and spraying on the plants. This time-consuming process won’t even work because birds do not have the ability to taste the capsaicin that gives the chili’s the heat for which they are known. In fact, many bird feeders will contain chili powder to keep other animals away from the bird food!

SEE: 5 Reasons to Invest in Bird Repellent Spray

Avian Control Has the Best of Everything to Deter Pesty Birds

Avian Control liquid bird repellent is the non-toxic, EPA-registered miracle product for which you’ve been searching! The secret formula takes the active ingredient in most bird repellent sprays, Methyl Anthranilate and increases its repelling power to make our product long-lasting and more effective than the old technologies of the past. Call 888.868.1982 to get started and learn more about the benefits of Avian Control, today!

Best Sprays for Birds: What to Look Out For