
Best Practices for Effective Bird Pest Control

crow on fence

Are you noticing unwanted birds invading your space? Birds can create damage across multiple industries. Farmers can experience birds eating and damaging their crops. Birds can also get into barns and contaminate food sources. Damage and dangers from birds also affect residential or commercial spaces. With birds invading many places they shouldn’t be, removal is possible with bird pest control tactics. Here are five best practices for safe bird removal.

Audio Deterrents

No matter where the lingering birds are, audio deterrents are an effective way to scare them off. This can be done with multiple tactics, however, it is best to try these out if you are located near open land and won’t risk disrupting neighbors or local businesses. Examples of audio deterrents include:

  • Sound machines. Predatory or distressed bird calls are played to scare off birds.
  • Propane cannons. Loud noises will scare birds away from the area. 
  • Wind chimes. This unique sound is known to scare away animals including birds.
  • Ultrasonic frequencies. Frequencies above the human range of hearing cause birds to become disoriented. 

Unfortunately, birds can become accustomed to these sounds over time. It’s important to routinely change sounds and sound machine locations for lasting results.

Related: Chemical Bird Repellent Vs. Electronic Bird Repellent

Visual Deterrents

Placing certain objects in your yard, barn, or business can help keep birds away. Various visual deterrent techniques include:

  • Scarecrows. A classic method that can keep birds away by making it appear the farm is being tended to or watched. 
  • Predator statues. Scare birds off with hawk, owl, or snake decoys.
  • Reflective tape. Birds are not fans of shiny objects, so placing reflective materials can scare them away.
  • Bright colored balloons. Eyes painted on the balloons can assist in the scaring process. Scare eyes appear as if a predator is watching. 
  • Windsocks or spinners. Both products tend to include shiny, reflective materials that are both known to scare birds.

When installing visual deterrents, remember that birds will get used to these tactics. For best bird pest control practices, continue to move the deterrents to keep birds from adapting to decoys. 

Related: Finding A Bird Deterrent That Works

Homemade Repellent

If you enjoy taking on projects, try making a repellent at home. Although results aren’t guaranteed, it can be an initial step to the bird removal process. Certain bird pest control techniques can be replicated but the most common is to create a spray with household items. Some ingredients that deter birds include essential oils, peppermint, cayenne pepper, chili pepper, and garlic. 

Related: Do Homemade Bird Repellents Work?

Block Access Points

Ideally, birds will stay away from your space if they are unable to find the right access point. Try blocking off areas birds may tend to nest in and eat at crops or other food sources in your barn. These tactics can also be helpful for commercial spaces where birds can potentially endanger tenants on their way to work. 

    • Create a barrier. Depending on the situation, putting up a barrier can keep birds out. A fence can help keep geese out of commercial spaces. For farming, netting is a barrier that protects crops from becoming bird snacks. 
    • Porcupine wire. A physical barrier repellent system that has rows of needles intended to make it difficult for birds to land.
    • Plastic spikes. Similar to wire, plastic spikes can prevent birds from landing on surfaces where they are unwanted.
    • Gel coating repellent. Gels are intended to irritate the bird’s feet, causing them to avoid the area where gel is applied.
    • Block off food and water sources. Some birds may frequent your property for food or water. If you have open food in your barn, make sure to keep lids on food sources or research other tricks to keep birds out.

Other ways to keep birds away can be placing wood along openings of your barn, on your porch, or at your business where birds might build their nest. Placing mirrors can also deceive birds and create the illusion of an occupied space.

Tip: Remember, there is a difference between prevention and destruction. It is illegal to damage current bird nests, especially those carrying bird eggs.  

Related: How To Keep Geese Away From Your Commerical Business 

Liquid Bird Pest Control

Bird repellent sprays are an invisible, silent, and effective method used to deter geese and birds from your corporate parking lot. By irritating the pain center in a bird’s brain, these products actually teach birds to avoid your property even after the effects have worn off. Other benefits of bird repellent sprays include:

  • Non-toxic and EPA-registered
  • Non-lethal for birds
  • Safe for use around humans and other animals
  • Low treatment costs

Benefits Of Avian Control

Damage produced by bird pests can be devastating for growers. Avian Control is a simple solution that can successfully reduce or eliminate these damaging effects altogether. Benefits of using Avian Control as opposed to other bird repellents include:

  • Prevention of birds eating crops and creating pecking holes
  • Reduction in bird droppings on crops
  • Elimination of birds nesting in fields and orchards
  • Low treatment costs (as low as $12.50/acre per treatment)
  • Non-lethal and mild enough for use around people, pets, and approved crops
  • Does not affect the growth, taste, or color of treated crops
  • Long-lasting results
  • Application options: ground, aerial spraying, thermal, or ultra-low volume fogging

Choose Avian For Bird Pest Control Needs

With these helpful best practices, Avian Control is a great method for bird pest control needs. Whether you need to protect your home, your crops, your business, or your barn – Avian Control has a liquid repellent for you.

Avian Control is a liquid bird repellent that lasts up to two weeks and will not harm you, your produce or your animals. Call 888.868.1982 to order or contact us for more information today!

Best Practices for Effective Bird Pest Control