Your cherry trees and wine grapes are tasty treats to humans and birds alike. But, hungry birds can eat the fruits of your labor and wreak damage to crops. Don’t waste your time and money with ineffective nets to protect your fruit. Instead, try these alternative solutions to bird netting:
- Scare away unwanted birds
- Give birds something else to eat
- Apply long-lasting liquid bird repellent
Scare Tactics
Consider using a bird scare tactic instead of netting your wine grapes and cherry trees. These scare tactics come in a variety of forms to help protect your property from the best birds and geese. Here’s a brief breakdown of the main types of bird scare tactics to help you decide what is right for your property.
Visual Deterrents: Trick birds into fearing your property with visual deterrents. These include windsocks, predatory bird decoys, and reflective surfaces. This approach works sometimes, but visual deterrents can become less effective over time. Birds can become desensitized to the visuals and may stop perceiving this scare tactic as a threat.
Sound Machines: Sounds of predatory or distressed bird calls can scare birds away from your cherries and grapes. This tactic can be effective to protect your crops, but the constant sound can frustrate surrounding people and wildlife.
RELATED: 5 Ways to Protect Cherries From Birds
Provide Alternative Food Sources
Instead of covering your fruit with netting, try giving them something else to snack on. Try placing bird feeders filled with seed or grain around the outskirts of your property. This option can prevent feathered thieves from stealing your fruits or damaging crops. Beware that providing alternative food sources can sometimes draw more birds to your property, and risks providing direct access to your cherry trees and wine grapes.
SEE: Tips for Wine Grapes
Apply Long-Lasting Liquid Bird Repellent
Liquid bird control sprays provide effective and lasting bird prevention for a variety of industries. Non-lethal and non-toxic, these sprays deter birds from your properties without causing any harm to the bird, your fruit, or the surrounding environment! Liquid bird control comes in a variety of forms, making it easier to find the perfect fit for your specific needs.
Choose Avian Control Liquid Bird Repellent
For lasting bird control results, ditch the bird nets, and choose Avian Enterprises. Safe for use around humans, animals, and crops, our product Avian Control actively teaches birds to avoid your cherry trees and wine grapes long after the effects have worn off. Shop now or give us a call at 888.868.1982 for more information.