
3 Ways to Get Rid of Birds on Golf Courses

3 Ways to Get Rid of Birds on Golf Courses

Birds – Canadian Geese especially – can be a nuisance on the golf course. Canadian Geese get in the way of golfing and are known to be aggressive and territorial, especially when they are nesting. They cause physical damages on the golf course and their droppings can spread bacteria like E. coli and listeria to other animals or golfers. See what you can do to help get rid of birds on golf courses!

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Scare Nuisance Birds Away

A common way to get rid of birds on the golf course is to use scare tactics. Scare tactics include:

  • golf course bird preventionShiny objects, like tin pans and reflective tape
  • Streamers
  • Fake predator birds and
  • Noisemakers

These scare tactics can be effective, but birds are smart and may eventually realize they are fake or become used to them. To help prevent this, make sure to move the shiny objects, streamers and fake predator birds.

SEE: Goose Repellent for Spring Nesting Prevention

Use Drones to Chase the Birds off Property

Drones are a new tactic to keep birds off of the golf course. Drones can be used to chase birds away from their locations and have been proven to be successful in Canada. Drones can be modified to play sounds of predators, like owls, hawks and wolves in order to chase birds to a new location. There are even drones made to look like predator birds. Before choosing this option, make sure to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and city officials, since Canadian Geese are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

SEE: Chemical Bird Repellent vs. Electronic Bird Control

Prevent Birds from Taking Over the Green with Avian Control

The best way to get rid of birds on golf courses is to prevent them before they move in altogether. Avian Control bird repellent spray is a non-toxic spray that can help keep birds off of the golf course. Applied every two weeks, Avian Control deters birds, but causes no damage to the bird or golf course. Call 888.868.1982 or contact us online to order Avian Control and keep birds off of your golf course.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Birds on Golf Courses
Check out these three ways to keep birds off of your golf course with Avian Enterprises.
Brand: Avian Enterprises
3 Ways to Get Rid of Birds on Golf Courses